What is she thinking?

What is she thinking? What would you think of your wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, or coworker who suddenly as a fifty-something baby-boomer decided she wants to become a motorcyclist? Thankfully my husband was okay with the idea and has been supportive of me as I’ve taken the first few steps! What is she thinking? […]

Testing 1-2-3 Testing

After picking up the motorcycle manual and flipping through a few pages I quickly realized that this test was not going to be easy! Testing 1-2-3 Testing! I am pretty clueless when it comes to the rules of the road for motorcycling. I don’t even know which hand has the brake lever and which the […]

Sharing the Dream

Sharing the dream of becoming a female motorcyclist. to bring it into reality. I bought a shirt and a hoodie when my hubby and I were at the Harley Davidson store in the Mall of America. I figured that if I wanted to see my goal of becoming a motorcyclist I could use a few […]

How it all Started … Joining the Ranks of Women Motorcyclists

How it all started. My journey into motorcycling began on a shopping trip to the Mall of America with my husband. True story! My hubby and I wanted to do something different one Saturday and we some how landed on the idea of going to the Mall. Last trip there was over five years ago. […]