My First Ride of the Year: Riding into Spring

The first ride of the year is always exciting – especially for female motorcyclists. There’s nothing quite like feeling the sun on your face, the wind in your hair, and the purr of your engine. It has been a long and nasty winter, and so far, spring hasn’t been much different here in Minnesota! We […]

Can Women Motorcyclists Over 50 Still Suffer From PMS?

She can if it is Parked Motorcycle Syndrome (PMS)! PMS is the feeling of restlessness and frustration that sets in when you are not able to ride your motorcycle for an extended period of time. Whether it’s due to weather, work, or other constraints, not being able to ride can be difficult and challenging for […]

The 3 Big Challenges Female Motorcyclists Face

Over time, there has been a noteworthy increase in the number of women who ride motorcycles. Initially, it was considered unconventional for a “respectable” woman to ride solo. I am grateful that some women dared to defy societal norms while maintaining their principles to become female motorcyclists! The joy of independence and the excitement of […]

Breaking Barriers: 2 Ride Days and Female Motorcyclists

International Female Ride Day and Ride to Work Day are two exciting events that celebrate women who ride motorcycles. Both of these events offer an excellent opportunity for women to connect with other riders, showcase their skills, and celebrate the freedom and independence that comes with riding a motorcycle.  International Female Ride Day International Female […]

Are Motorcycle Airbag Jeans A Game-Changer?

Have you seen the hottest motorcycle apparel from the Swedish company, Mo’Cycle? Motorcycle airbag jeans! What?! You read that right! Airbag pants that wear and look like jeans, are reusable after deployment, and are stronger than steel will be hitting the market. The technology behind them seems like a game changer for motorcyclists! How do […]

What Does Lane Splitting or Lane Filtering Mean for Motorcycles

If you have ever sat on a motorcycle in full gear during rush hour traffic, you know why it is a relief to hear more states are adding lane filtering or lane splitting to their rules of the road. First off, let’s define what lane filtering and lane splitting mean. Both have been referred to […]

Top Riding Advice from 99 Female Motorcyclists

Here is the top riding advice from 99 female motorcyclists when asked, “What advice do you have for women who ride or want to ride a motorcycle?” It was unsurprising that their advice was divided into several categories while emphasizing the same points. Through social media, I’ve met over 99 female motorcyclists from all over […]

25 Reasons to Ride a Motorcycle

Here are 25 reasons to ride a motorcycle in no particular order. As a female motorcyclist I get asked why I ride rather frequently so I decided to put together a list. Have you ever been asked why you ride? What is your top reason for riding? Check out the list and let me know […]