The Smells of Fall

The smells of fall are are upon us. Fall has descended on Minnesota. Cool weather, rain, leaves turning colors, pulling out the sweaters … and making homemade applesauce! I scored a bunch of backyard apples from a coworker this week. Back in the day, when I was rather domestic, I’d go to the orchard for […]

My Interim Hobby While it Snows

We had a nice change from snow today, rain.  Since I can’t ride my motorcycle because of the weather, I did a few other things in the kitchen. My interim hobby until I can throw a leg over my motorcycle! I made some Apple Quinoa Muffins. I found the recipe at Cooking Quinoa which is […]

Belated Birthday Dinner with my Son

My son’s birthday is the day before mine in November. We finally were able to go out on a belated birthday dinner all together Saturday night after last week’s delay of game with 16 inches of snow!! We went to Osaka Seafood Steakhouse. It is a fun restaurant where they cook on a hibachi grill at […]