The smells of fall are are upon us. Fall has descended on Minnesota. Cool weather, rain, leaves turning colors, pulling out the sweaters … and making homemade applesauce!

I scored a bunch of backyard apples from a coworker this week. Back in the day, when I was rather domestic, I’d go to the orchard for a bushel apples. I would cook them up and my family would enjoy all sorts of apple delights for months and months.
The Smells of Fall
I don’t remember the last time I made homemade applesauce … oh the spices simmering with those apples is intoxicating and smells like fall. What do you like about fall? What smells remind you of fall?
I love riding in the cooler weather of fall. Ladies, I am always on the outlook to find other female motorcyclist. Do let me know if you (or a friend) would like to inspire other women to ride by sharing your story. Contact me today!
4 Responses
Mmmm the smell of apples and cinnamon cooking together is just one of the best isn’t it?
My boss has been turning his backyard apples into apple pie filling and canned 34 quarts and 34 pints of it last week. I am waiting for Trader Joes to get some more soy vanilla ice cream in before I sample the few jars he gave me.
Yummy!!! Great idea to get some vanilla ice cream. I like So Delicious coconut ice cream.
I’d like it a lot better if there was homemade applesauce!
Seriously, I love the color changes and the cooler temperatures. It’s sad to see the local farmers market closed for the season as good fresh produce is hard to find.
Our farmer’s markets are closing, but so many of our grocery stores are carrying organic fruits and veggies – that helps a lot during the winter months.