I won!

I wanted to share with you something I won and received in the mail from Meaghan who blogs Edible Crafts at CraftGossip.com! Meaghan had a giveaway of a “I love you so forkin’ much!” serving fork from Lorelei’s Esty shop. I loved it the minute I saw the picture so I left a comment to enter. I […]

Winners to the Giveaway!

I used the random number generator and the winners to the Essentia giveaway are: 1. Trobairtitz2. Caroline3. Denice4. Happygrape2 Congratulations ladies! I’ll be sending the one ounce jar of Essentia out this week!


Woot-woot! I was thinking I’d like to do a giveaway, but didn’t know what it would be. Then a friend gave me a new product to try, Essentia an all natural ingredient face, hand, and body cream and BINGO this was it! I had to share this product because I like supporting companies that consider […]

And the Winners are …

Drum roll please … And the Winners are Winner of note card set #1 is Erika Myers{comment #5}! And the winner of note card set #2 is WI Snowflake {comment #9}! Congratulations to you both. Thank you to all who entered! Here’s a picture of the random number generator!

St. Patrick’s Day Giveaway!

I received a handwritten note in the mail from a friend of mine. Wow! What a beautiful expression of friendship. She wrote a short encouraging note “just because!” I was having a good day and that just sent me over the top! St. Patrick’s Day Giveaway! I try to send personal notes to family and […]

And the winner is …

And the winner is Chesshirecat! Wins the 2011 International Motorcycle Show calendar!! Here’s the Random.org number pick: The giveaway is closed.

My First Giveaway!

Hubs and I went to the International Motorcycle Show on Friday. {I’ll be posting some bike pictures later this week.} We picked up this free motorcycle packed calendar and I thought it would be nice to share! My First Giveaway! So here’s the scoop. I’m going to give away this calendar {remember it was free} […]