France In America

I have a Kindle and a Nook, but some books just don’t belong in a digital format. A book like, France In America, is one because it is an experience that needs to be had in person. The author of the book Gary France offered pre-release copies of his book to people who left comments […]

To Publish or Not To Publish? That is the Question.

I tweeted and asked a couple of bloggers this question, but wanted to see what y’all think about the (beta) Kindle Publishing for Blogs too. What is it? According to the web site, “Amazon Kindle Publishing for Blogs is a fast and easy self-publishing tool that lets you add and sell your blogs on the […]

Turning on my Heels!

I’m resigning myself to the fact that the number of my motorcycle riding days have come to an end – six inches of snow last Saturday and icy roads this weekend. Bummer. Some of my northern friends are facing the same thing! Turning on my heels! I thought I would share some books I’ve read […]