To Publish or Not To Publish? That is the Question.

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

I tweeted and asked a couple of bloggers this question, but wanted to see what y’all think about the (beta) Kindle Publishing for Blogs too.

What is it? According to the web site, “Amazon Kindle Publishing for Blogs is a fast and easy self-publishing tool that lets you add and sell your blogs on the Kindle Store.”

I set-up an account just to be able to get to the fine print. The disclaimers and legal jargon were enough to put me off. Definitely not written to be understood by the average person.

Here is the link to the Kindle Publishing for Bloggers. What do you think? Are you in? What potential benefits or hazards do you see? Me? I blog for the fun of it so not today.

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One Response

  1. What do you think? Are you in? What potential benefits or hazards do you see?

    Its a clever idea from Amazon and seems like a rolling out of their serialized books idea.

    I think its a good idea for professional bloggers and I could see established authors making money from it. Not sure if it really has a market though. Its like paying to read just one opinion column in a newspaper.

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