2011 Minnesota Snowpocalypse*

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

Last week Minneapolis temperature were heading towards 50 degrees F (10 C)! Since yesterday we’ve had between 12 – 18 inches (30.48 – 45.72 cm) of snow! Last week I had hope spring was coming and with it riding my motorcycle. Today, well it snowed … a lot!

2011 Minnesota Snowpocalypse*

I am very grateful my employer gave us the day off! After cleaning the snow off the driveway a couple of times, hubby and I took Kitty out back! Here’s some pictures!

2011 Minnesota Snowpocalypse
The backyard woods
2011 Minnesota Snowpocalypse - Abby
The is Kitty!
2011 Minnesota Snowpocalypse - Abby also known as Kitty
She likes chasing sticks!
2011 Minnesota Snowpocalypse - Hubby
Somebody stole her stick!
2011 Minnesota Snowpocalypse - Kitty
Kitty stuck her tongue out at him!
2011 Minnesota Snowpocalypse - Kitty picking out a stick
Kitty also likes looking through the wood pile for mice.
2011 Minnesota Snowpocalypse - Bye for now!
Bye-bye! Time to go in and warm up!

*Snowpocalypse – When weathermen predict large amounts of snowfall in a short period of time. {source}


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