Last week Minneapolis temperature were heading towards 50 degrees F (10 C)! Since yesterday we’ve had between 12 – 18 inches (30.48 – 45.72 cm) of snow! Last week I had hope spring was coming and with it riding my motorcycle. Today, well it snowed … a lot!
2011 Minnesota Snowpocalypse*
I am very grateful my employer gave us the day off! After cleaning the snow off the driveway a couple of times, hubby and I took Kitty out back! Here’s some pictures!

*Snowpocalypse – When weathermen predict large amounts of snowfall in a short period of time. {source}

Thank you for stopping by Helmet or Heels female motorcycle community! I am always looking for more stories like your adventure into riding. Your experience, knowledge, and insight will encourage women in their motorcycling journey! Fill out the contact form and let’s connect!
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4 Responses
My only question is, were you able to get both of them to poop before they went back inside? 😉
It looks like your boys like it out there in the snow 😉
WHAT !! no photos of you ?? You can keep the snow we don’t like it
Wet Coast Scootin
Wow! You need to ride that bike south for a break.