On April 21, my life drastically changed. I became a motorcyclist who went down, which resulted in a fractured right ankle, a broken upper right arm, and a broken left arm and wrist. It was a beautiful sunny day with a slight breeze—the perfect day to take my motorcycle out for a ride. I had a few groceries to pick up to complete my menu planning for the week, so I decided to take my motorcycle.

How that fateful day started
I pulled my Royal Enfield out of the garage, attached my Saddlemen Tail Bag, threw on my jacket, gloves, and helmet, and off I went. The local grocery store is about two miles from my home and on a very familiar route. I pulled in, parked, and went in to shop. At the check-out, I had to convince the bagger just to put everything back in the cart, including the dozen eggs! The young man had a hard time believing I was bringing my groceries home on a motorcycle.
Out in the parking lot I began to load the Saddlemen. Behind me I heard a young girl giggling and talking with her dad about the lady with the motorcycle. I turned and waved hoping to encourage a future female motorcyclist but dad seemed determined to get into the store. I finished up and headed towards home.
Motorcyclist Down
I had just got out to the main road when my front wheel started to shake as I was coming around a curve. I eased up on the throttle but the shaking continued. I knew not to break hard but nothing was helping! Rather than laying it down on the tarmac I hopped the curb to get onto the thick grassy berm. Suddenly I was laying on my right side under my bike and feeling pain.
I was able to pull my leg out from under the motorcycle, but my arms seemed to be useless to help with anything. A feeling of helplessness started to come over me knowing that the road I was on typically had little traffic. Then I hear this voice calling out asking if I needed help. Across the four lanes is a young teenage girl with purple hair walking and heading my way. I can’t tell you how relieved I felt that someone was there.
Help shows up
Crouching down she introduced herself to me as Gracie and asked what could she do to help. As I laid there my head was spinning and my body in pain I figured I needed to get my helmet off first. As Gracie was removing the helmet I was thanking God that her name reminded me of His grace is always there for me. In the background I could hear cars driving by but only one ever stopped to ask if we needed help.
Somehow I was able to pull off my left riding glove only to notice my wrist had a weird “S” shape to it. I could see my right ankle was swollen, and my upper right arm was in extreme pain. Gracie remained cool and calm as she fished my phone out of my jacket and began to call my husband. No answer. Then tried my son. Again, no answer. Next, my son’s girlfriend. The call was answered. I explained what happened, where I was, and asked if she could help. Seconds later my hubby called and was on his way.
Gracie stays with me
I happened to down my bike at the time Gracie was walking to work. She called her manager to let them know she was helping me and didn’t know how long it would take. I tried to get her to take off once I knew help was on the way but Gracie said she wasn’t leaving me alone. Not until I was in my hubby’s vehicle did she finally head for work. What a beautiful young lady who stopped to help a fallen motorcyclist.
P.S. Also lost my job since I am unable to work. My former employer did set up a GoFundMe page to help with expenses.
4 Responses
Sorry to hear, Pam. I hope your injuries recover quickly. These particular ones are painful but usually heal with little lasting effect. Good luck.
Like many riders, I too have crashed on a bike. Luckily for you (and me) some kind person showed up, alerted others and kept us company. There are good people in the world.
Did you ever find out what caused the front wheel to wobble and fail?
My husband and son went back to the scene and think it must have been a road snake (the tar that is used to seal cracks in the road) that got stuck in the front wheel. There were a few pieces loose on the road. Never saw that coming!
Hope you are doing well!