My Favorite Bike

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

An old friend recently posted a picture of me she found at her parent’s home. It is me on my grandfather’s Penny-farthing. This bike had been in my dad’s family for years. It had wooden wheels with a medal strip around the outside that made contact with the road. I think the only update it ever received was a new seat.

My Favorite Bike - a Penny-farthing

My Favorite Bike

I had forgotten all about it until I saw this picture! I loved riding the Penny-farthing all over the neighborhood. Unfortunately my parents are no longer alive so I can’t ask them the story of this bike. I also don’t know what happened to it. Maybe my sister knows.

Thank you for stopping by to see my favorite bike the Penny-farthing. Now my favorite two wheel bike is a motorcycle.


Ladies, whether you are looking to start riding solo, a casual motorcyclist, a seasoned rider, or enjoying riding pillion you are all welcome to join in the Helmet or Heels community. I would love to share your story of motorcycling no matter where you are on the journey. It will inspire other women along the way.

Catch us on Instagram @helmetorheels, Pinterest @helmetorheels or Twitter @helmetorheels – we are just getting started!

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