Are you becoming the best you can be?

There are so many new friends that I’m making because of this journey of mine. I like it. I’m very thankful for all the advice I’m getting on all things motorcycle from either comments here, through Twitter, or other motorcyclists. It is fantastic! Cyber hugs for all! Are you becoming the best you can be? […]

Sign-up for class: Check. Helmet: Check.

Sign-up for class: Check. Helmet: Check. I needed a helmet for my motorcycle basic skills class so my hubby took me shopping and I found one! I learned a lot during the process. Let me tell you. First of all, I found out that my hair does not do well when I put on and take […]

What’s Wrong with this Picture?

What’s Wrong with this Picture? I am a newbie to all things motorcycle, yet even I know that helmet is on wrong! It did get me thinking about taking time to get experience and talk with people in the know. My class is still over a month away, but any chance I get I  glean […]

Here are a few bikes I’ve looked at! Opinions welcomed.

In my quest for a motorcycle license and a motorcycle I have looked at a few bikes. Here’s the list so far. Feel free to weigh-in or suggest something I haven’t looked at yet. Here are a few bikes I’ve looked at! Opinions welcomed.   Don’t forget I live in Minnesota so I’ve got time […]

FYI The World Does Not Revolve Around You

Gosh, wanting to learn to ride and making that decision as winter descended on Minnesota was not the best timing. I don’t know about you, but most of my life has been in the “hurry up and wait” mode — a.k.a. patience! {bunny trail: a.k.a. means “also known as.” I just found that out!} There […]

Times have changed, have you?

Thankfully times have changed, have you? My husband started teaching me how to ride about 30 years ago. The timing wasn’t right for me to get a license, we ended up moving and sold the bike. Not to mention back in the 70s only “those” women rode motorcycles! Times have changed, have you? Now that […]

What is she thinking?

What is she thinking? What would you think of your wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, or coworker who suddenly as a fifty-something baby-boomer decided she wants to become a motorcyclist? Thankfully my husband was okay with the idea and has been supportive of me as I’ve taken the first few steps! What is she thinking? […]

Testing 1-2-3 Testing

After picking up the motorcycle manual and flipping through a few pages I quickly realized that this test was not going to be easy! Testing 1-2-3 Testing! I am pretty clueless when it comes to the rules of the road for motorcycling. I don’t even know which hand has the brake lever and which the […]

Sharing the Dream

Sharing the dream of becoming a female motorcyclist. to bring it into reality. I bought a shirt and a hoodie when my hubby and I were at the Harley Davidson store in the Mall of America. I figured that if I wanted to see my goal of becoming a motorcyclist I could use a few […]

How it all Started … Joining the Ranks of Women Motorcyclists

How it all started. My journey into motorcycling began on a shopping trip to the Mall of America with my husband. True story! My hubby and I wanted to do something different one Saturday and we some how landed on the idea of going to the Mall. Last trip there was over five years ago. […]