Can you help my sister out? Back in October I shared that my older sister was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She has since had surgery and so far two hellish chemo treatments. I’m learning all sorts of things I never knew about going through cancer treatment.
After surgery it was a very short time before she started chemo. Chemo is five to six hour appointment every three weeks. I believe she will have a total of six before it is all over. The days that follow treatment are days of pure pain and vomiting all in the guise of healing.

About a week after the first chemo treatment she lost enough hair to decide to shave her head. Stop and think about that. You are in the midst of some heavy duty trauma and then we’ll throw in a little bit more to really nail your emotional state. I could sense her depression from 400 miles away.
Did you know there is a web site that caters to women undergoing cancer treatment? It is They carry padded cap liners to help hats, caps, and turbans look more real. Who knew?
My sister has lost a lot of weight since this has begun so she is in need of some new clothes. Another expense for a family already facing this horrendous health issue without insurance.
On another note I also found out my younger sister’s doctor discovered a growth on her ovary the size of a cantaloupe. This sister is about 1500 miles away. Thankfully, she had surgery (and has insurance) removing this and all her female organs but is cancer free. Yes. All of this has happened since the end of October.
Can you help my sister out?
Back to my older sister. I set-up a site to raise money to help off-set her living expenses. Would you consider helping a little? I figured if I could get a lot of people to do a little it would add up to a bunch! Join with me and let’s kick this cancer in the a$$!
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4 Responses
So much trauma in such a short amount of time. Good thing your family are fighters.
I’ll do what I can.
Thank you so much!!
You are most welcome. I only wish it could be more.
I am so sorry for your suffering. Does it help to know you’re not alone? Cancer is an awful disease. It’s particularly hard on women, I think, because of the hair loss. My husband went through similarly hellish chemotherapy sessions a few years ago and lost a lot of weight as well as all his hair. He wore it like a banner. For women, it’s not easy to do that.
You mentioned one hat company for women with hair loss. I want to share another from my local area (Philadelphia). It’s called Soft Hats and is run by a local women who is a long-time cancer survivor. Her hats are affordable, attractive, fit the heat and are comfortable enough to be worn all day. She helps the local economy by hiring local seamstresses to make the hats.
Keep strong! It does get better.