Great Expectations
My desire of becoming healthier through diet (not starving myself or following fad diets) and exercise can bring undue expectations for results. As I’ve aged I realize I cannot do what I did when I was twenty, at least not right now, but there are things I can do at fifty-something (sigh). My three week […]
Resolutions … yada yada yada
Oh my! 2013 is here and my list of resolutions is still in draft form. One item that is the typical suspect on a New Year’s resolution list is exercise. The older I get the more I understand the importance of regular exercise. I’m not talking about becoming Ernestine Shepherd, even though I find her […]
Remember caring about these carbs?
Remember the good old days? Remember caring about these carbs? A friend of mine had that car. I remember taking it for a few rides. Fast rides! My name is Pam and I am so glad you stopped by today! I started this blog to document my journey into motorcycling and along the way I […]
Time to start on that biker body?
Here in Minnesota I can tell spring is coming because the sun sets a little later every day. I leave work at 5 p.m. and last week it was pitch black walking out to the car. This week has brought a surprising change, it is not quite that dark! I know, it’s the little things […]
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Almost everyone I know has had a family member or friend fight the battle of breast cancer. My cousin at 29 yrs. old had a radical mastectomy on both sides and eventually lost the battle. My mother-in-law back in the late sixties had the same surgery and lived into her eighties. When I was in […]
One Shameless Plug for Good Nutrition
You do not need to look far to hear someone talking about their health, especially if their health is suffering. A few years ago that was the case in my house. Hubby came home from the doctor with high cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, and the onset of rheumatoid arthritis (translate that to joint pain, continuously). […]