Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Lynnea
I have a new cyber friend for y’all to meet! Her name is Lynnea and she is from upstate South Carolina (I’m already jealous of her because I’m guessing she can ride most of the year). She found my blog and answered my call for lady motorcyclists! Yay!! (Hint-hint ladies!) Lynnea’s Story In Her Own […]
Profile of a Female Motorcylist: Meet Laurie (LB) aka @LaurieOnTheBike
Meet Laurie (LB). I’m so excited to be able to introduce y’all to my new cyber friend from southwest Virginia! Laurie says she’s a novice on Twitter a.k.a. @LaurieOnTheBike so let’s welcome her with a follow. And she is a blogger!! Check it out, Life on the Bike and Other Fab Things. Laurie (LB) has been blogging […]
Calling All Female Motorcyclists!
Calling all female motorcyclists to join the Helmet or Heels community by sharing your story. The riding season for me here in Minnesota is pretty much finished. I don’t have the gear to ride in the cold. Hubby and I were not able to do as much riding as we hoped. Looking forward to the […]
Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Michelle a.k.a. @SturgisChick
Profile of a Female Motorcyclist: Meet Michelle
Meet Lady Motorcyclist Krista
Meet Lady Motorcyclist Krista I’m so pleased to be able to introduce another lady motorcyclist, Krista a.k.a. Bikermissus from St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada! Krista is also blogs over here, RideNewFoundland. And here’s Krista … How long have you been riding a motorcycle? Since 2009 How did you learn to ride? When I was probably 23 or […]
Profile of a Female Motorcyclist: Meet Paige
Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Paige
Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Heather
Hello friends! I love sharing stories like this Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Heather! Very excited to have another lady rider’s story to share! Hope all is well with y’all. I’ve been busy making lemonade out of the lemons life has been handing me. All is well and life is moving on. Now for […]
Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Jodi
This next Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Jodi took me by surprise. Once again, I am amazed at how lady motorcyclist cross my path! I’ve been pretty busy lately, hence the lack of blogging, tweeting, and commenting on other blogs (FYI I’m terrible at that, but I do read most of them!) Today I […]
Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet LC
How did I find the next Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet LC? Y’all have heard me sing the praises of social media. Well, I have another verse to add by the name of LC a.k.a. @SmartBikerChick from Atlanta, GA, but considers herself a world traveler. Follow her journey on Twitter. Profile of a Female Motorcyclist […]
Profile of a Female Motorcyclist: Meet Carolynn
This next Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Carolynn is incredible. Some days I just sit amazed at how I get connected with these lady motorcyclist. My next guest was referred to my by @KHaylock. Thank you Ken! It seems like I’ve had a streak of racing women lately and about to add another to […]