Calling all female motorcyclists to join the Helmet or Heels community by sharing your story. The riding season for me here in Minnesota is pretty much finished. I don’t have the gear to ride in the cold. Hubby and I were not able to do as much riding as we hoped. Looking forward to the next riding season. Hoping it will start early spring!
Maybe you are like me and winter is slowly descending upon you. You longingly gaze out at your motorcycle while bundled up in your winter woollies hoping for another sunny 50 degree day when a blast of cold air brings you back to reality. The optimist inside thinks it could happen it is only November. Sigh. Not all female motorcyclists are facing the dreaded cold winter like we have here in Minnesota. Several of the lady riders that have been profiled come from warm climates and are able to ride year-round.
Calling All Female Motorcyclists!

Focus Pam … the winter is where I turn outward to vicariously “ride” through all the fabulous lady riders I’ve met! And to send a call out to meet more! If you are a female motorcyclist and would like to add your story to my series Profile of a Female Motorcyclist hit the contact button and let’s connect!
There are stories of lady riders, like me, that are rather new to motorcycle riding and others who race professionally and many in between. Your story could inspire a fellow gal to begin her journey into riding, not give up after an accident, or to take it to the next level.
Most of us do not realize the value of telling our motorcycle journey. The collective experience that we all bring and share on the Helmet or Heels community benefits women around the world to have confidence as a motorcyclist. That is one of the reasons I am calling all female motorcyclists to join in!
Your story, your ride, your experience are all unique! We – your fellow female motorcyclists – need to hear your story too. Ride safe ladies!
9 Responses
Sorry to hear the season is ending for you. I ride year-round and, for three years, lived without a car. Winter riding is rough but with the right gear and layers of clothes, it’s possible. The best part is the looks people in cars give you when you’re on a bike in freezing temperature.
No car in the winter!! That is crazy talk around here. I’m still needing to upgrade my regular riding gear before thinking about winterizing it too!
Do you change out your tires for something that works on ice?
Damn cold Falls and Winters anyway. Sure hope you get at least one or two more riding days in before the snow flies.
We already have snow in the passes but the valley is fine.
I was out riding yesterday here in Colorado – was 27F when I left the house! However, we do not have humidity, so that makes a world of difference!
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I feel bad for all of those who aren’t able to ride all year. Besides my set back we ride all year in our neck of the woods. I can’t wait to replace Scarlet with another Street Glide.