Profile of a Female Motorcylist: Meet Laurie (LB) aka @LaurieOnTheBike

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

Meet Laurie (LB). I’m so excited to be able to introduce y’all to my new cyber friend from southwest Virginia! Laurie says she’s a novice on Twitter a.k.a. @LaurieOnTheBike so let’s welcome her with a follow. And she is a blogger!! Check it out, Life on the Bike and Other Fab Things. Laurie (LB) has been blogging for a number of years and is an incredible photographer.

Laurie (LB) my new cyber friend!
Laurie (LB) my new cyber friend!

Laurie (LB) Tells Her Motorcycling Story

How long have you been riding a motorcycle? 4 ½ years

How did you learn to ride? Officially, I took at MSF Class at a local community college, but I have also been mentored by a couple close friends. Meet “My Guys” over on her blog.

What was your first motorcycle? A 1983 Honda Rebel which I bought immediately after taking the MSF class. I rode my “baby bike” for 3 months / 1500 miles before moving on up to my next bike, a 2008 Sportster, 883 L;  I rode my “middle bike” for 3 ½ years / 13,000 before moving on up to my first new bike, built just for me.  My 2013 Softail Slim was such an amazing ride! 6500 miles of pure pleasure … until 4 weeks ago, when I was hit in an intersection. I always thought that would be my final bike. I’ll have a new one by spring.

How many have you owned? See above.

Why did you want to ride a motorcycle? I rode behind a boyfriend for a year and when that relationship ended, I knew that I had to continue riding. It is the wind in the face, the adventure, the adrenaline rush, the joy and the sigh.  

Tell us about your riding. Commuter, pleasure, vacation, racing, or ? I primarily ride for pleasure and travel. I ride with friends and I ride solo. In fact, each year I take a week long solo trip. I explore new roads, towns, and states, and I take photos along the way. My blog is a space for my riding and my photography. I do commute to work, but not frequently (computer, coffee, lunch bag, purse). I’m working on it though!

Laurie (LB) on her Harley
Laurie (LB) on her Harley

What advice do you have for women who ride or want to ride a motorcycle? Take a class and then start with a bike that you feel comfortable with and that will allow you to learn. Buy a used bike, learn to ride, and then ride the heck out of it. Get comfortable and move on up as you gain experience.

What is the longest trip that you’ve taken on your cycle? 1300 miles in this year’s solo ride to Southern Maryland, Eastern Shore of Maryland, and Delaware.

Do you belong to any motorcycle groups? I’m a member of HOG, and am a regular rider with a large group of friends.

What do you do when you’re not riding? I’m a Women’s Health and Family Nurse Practitioner, as well as a Certified Menopause Practitioner; I’m an amateur photographer, have served on my City Council and am very active in civic and volunteer groups.

Laurie (LB) looking good!
Laurie (LB) looking good!

If you would like to share your motorcycle story like Laurie (LB), let me know! I meet so many women that are amazed I ride a motorcycle. I’m sure you have heard that too. One of my goals is to create a community that shares female motorcyclists stories to inspire other women to start riding. We need to hear your story too.

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Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Laurie (LB)

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5 Responses

  1. Hello Laurie!! Always good to hear of other lady riders and ones that blog too.

    Glad to hear you are on the mend and a new bike is on it’s way. Never any fun to hear when a fellow rider has gone down.

    1. Thanks so much! I am on the mend and am in fact returning to work tomorrow after a month off after the wreck. Keep your fingers crossed for energy!
      Off to check out your blog 🙂

  2. Thanks Pamela! As I mentioned in my email, it sure is fun to be introduced to other women riders! and because of you, I have 4 new twitter followers. Now what do I do? 🙂
    I look forward to more of your posts!

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