This week it is official after a visit to the doctor. My daughter and son-in-law are expecting their first child! Hubby and I are all so excited! We’re going to be grandparents!
Guess who’s going to be a grandma?
Back when I was pregnant with my daughter, who is also my first born, you didn’t get ultrasounds unless there were worries. Nowadays you can get one on the first visit – at nine weeks!
Without further ado here is my grand-baby!

We’re still trying to figure out who’s side of the family baby looks like!
P.S. Thanks for indulging me!

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8 Responses
Congratulations from over here!
Thank you Richard!
Oh, how glorious! Congrates, Grandmother… and now you have someone to tell about the iPhone app “sit or squat”..hehehe.
Thanks Judy! She has an iPhone >wink< !
Thank you!!
P.S. Love the Pink Succulent on your blog today! {for those who haven’t seen it yet check it out: }
Very exciting, congrats!
Theresa – thanks for the congrats and stopping by!