Hubby Went Down on His Motorcycle

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

A couple of weeks ago hubby went down on his motorcycle trying to avoid an accident with a vehicle that pulled out in front of him. I was at work and hubby called me on a borrowed cell phone. He left a voice mail telling me he went down. WHAT! Then I get a call from the local police telling me that he is being transported by ambulance to the hospital, but he was talking. WHAT! The officer said they rolled his bike into a parking lot, but didn’t know if it was drive-able. I left work immediately.

Hubby went down on his motorcycle
Broken Collar Bone

Made it to the Emergency Room, but hubby wasn’t registered yet so I had to wait until a nurse officially checked him in. Finally, I was let in to see him. Sat with hubby while the doctor and nursed checked him out, gave him pain meds, and sent him off for an x-ray. Turns out hubs suffered a broken collar bone on the right side, as well as some scrapes, and they expect bruising with soreness. Not much can be done for a broken collar bone so ER put him in a sling and sent us home. Hubby will be following up in a couple of weeks with an orthopedic surgeon to see how he is healing.

Next Steps After Hubby Went Down on His Motorcycle

After hearing hubby went down on his motorcycle I didn’t know what to do next. Our son and daughter-in-law drove out to see what they could do to help. I drove him over to the motorcycle to see if he could ride it home. Looking over the bike it is missing a turn signal and scratched up on that same side. Fork looked okay. He was able to get it home and parked it in the garage. So grateful for his help!

It was certainly scary receiving that call and I am very grateful hubby was not injured more critically. Have you ever gone down while riding? Was it like when my hubby went down because of a car pulling out in front of him? Going down on a motorcycle no matter the speed is frightening.

Today I took my motorcycle by my self out for the first time in a while. Just doing errands. I’ve missed riding, but miss my riding partner even more.

Wishing y’all safe riding. God Speed.

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20 Responses

  1. Glad he’s doing alright now. Getting voice mail like that would be sure to send the stress-o-meter through the roof. I was wondering how things were going. You always wonder if its been a while between posts….

  2. OUCH! Glad he is basically OK. It takes so little to break a collarbone.

    My hubby went down on the track last year and shattered his. He did it in so well that he had surgery right away and now sports a metal plate and 12 screws in his shoulder. The upside was that he healed quickly and was out of pain in days.

    The crappy part about breaking the collarbone is the coming weeks of pain that accompany it. Every time he moves it will shift slightly. In a way, he is in for a worse ride. I hope it sets rapidly and his pain period will be short.

  3. I was wondering how things were going with you two since we hadn’t heard in a while.

    Sad that there was a crash, but so grateful he is okay. A broken collar bone cannot be any fun at all. Big hugs to you and fingers crossed he heals quick with no lasting issues.

    Keep us posted.

  4. Oh my! I am so glad that he is basically ok. Broken collarbones heal up. I’m so sorry to hear of the accident, but really happy it is ok… Wish we could help, but you are in our thoughts!

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