My husband showed me this quote by Gary Vaynerchuk and thought it worth sharing.
Next Ten Years or Last Ten Years

Sure challenges me to look in my heart and dust off a few dreams. Not sure where it will lead, but hopefully to living my life more passionately. How about you?

Ladies, what is your dream about riding? Whether you are looking to start riding solo, a casual motorcyclist, a seasoned rider, or enjoying riding pillion you are all welcome to join in the Helmet or Heels community. I would love to share your story of motorcycling no matter where you are on the journey. It will inspire other women along the way.
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5 Responses
Many of the same thoughts have been going through my head lately. Luckily (and hopefully) not the last ten years of my life. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to figure out the answers yet. If you do, let me know the secret. 🙂
Thank you for sharing that Pam. Very well said and sure makes one think.
Great sentiment Pam. I totally agree, I decided when I was younger that I would never regret anything I have done in my life, that means that I do tend to just do something when the urge comes on me, sometimes that leads to problems, but most of the time it’s just exciting … it’s what makes us the person we are so whether it was a success or not doesn’t matter, it’s the fact that you have done it that matters!
What a great quotation. I believe life is all about the journey – we have to at least try and make the most of each step.
So simple, but yet so true. I live my life in the “I do what I want, when I want as much as I want mentality”. I think everyone should and there would be less people depressed.