Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Kharon

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

My next guest is a friend of Donna’s and left a comment on her profile I posted. I was thrilled to read she wanted to join in and share her story (hint, hint ladies)! Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Kharon a.k.a. Bibendum is from the San Francisco Bay Area.

I love the advice Kharon was given over the concern women have on the weight of motorcycles, but you’ll have to read that below!

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Kharon

How long have you been riding a motorcycle?

Off and on for about 29 years, lots and lots since 2000.

How did you learn to ride?

I have been riding as a passenger since I was old enough to hold onto the tank. When I was about 12 my Dad got me a dirt bike for Christmas and taught me how to ride (boy was my Mom pissed!).

Started street riding in 2000 after completing the Motorcycle Safety Training Course.

What was your first motorcycle?

Honda XR200 dirt bike

How many have you owned? 

Four – Honda XR200 when I first started out. Harley XL883C after getting licensed in 2000. Traded up to a BMW R1200RT in 2006 and I currently own a 2009 BMW R1200GS.

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Kharon

Why did you want to ride a motorcycle?

Not to sound glib, but because it is fun … pure and simple. It also opens up opportunities to meet people and to really be part of the surroundings not isolated from it.

I am always amazed how many people will approach me to ask questions and talk just because I am on a motorcycle; you are not hidden inside your car and it makes people feel more comfortable talking to you.

I have met and talked to so many interesting people when riding, just because the conversation all started with a question about my bike, or where I was headed to.

Tell us about your riding.

Commute frequently, always for pleasure and definitely for vacations as often as possible.

What advice do you have for women who ride or want to ride a motorcycle?

Get the proper training and just do it! I hear so many women say they want to ride but are afraid because the bikes are so heavy.

The best advice I ever got was when a friend told me, after I voiced the same concern about weight: “You’re not gonna carry it, you’re gonna ride it!”

What is the longest trip that you’ve taken on your cycle? 

Nine days through the Southwest, covering five states and approx. 2600 miles. It was life changing.

Do you belong to any motorcycle groups?

No groups, although I did belong to the local HOG Chapter when I first got my Harley. I am on some forums, albeit infrequently; Pashnit, South Bay Riders, various BMW group forums, lurker on ADVRider.

Do you have a favorite riding story?

There are many, but a recent funny one happened while on a five day group trip earlier this year; half way through our first day, and after going down Highway 1 to Cambria, the group stopped to see the seals along the coast.

As I got off my bike and removed my helmet, I heard a guy from our group say to me “Wow, I have been following behind you and I had no idea you were a chick! You really know how to ride that thing. I should have known when you showed up on a guy’s bike this morning that you could ride that thing!”

What do you do when you’re not riding?

Construction Project Management at Stanford University to pay for fun things. Other fun things: kayaking, fishing, photography, hiking and camping.

@helmetorheels blogger Pam

My name is Pam and I am so glad you stopped by today to read Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Kharon! I started this blog to document my journey into motorcycling and along the way I met so many other lady riders with inspiring stories to tell I began to share theirs as well.

About the same time I started this blog I joined Twitter (@helmetorheels) and began to meet other female motorcycle riders. These ladies were so inspiring to me because I found other newbies like me to life-long experienced riders who were willing to share encouragement, tips, and their friendship. I was welcomed where I was on my journey. What an incredible community I found online to fuel my desire to ride. 

Catch us on Instagram @helmetorheels and Pinterest @helmetorheels – we are just getting started!

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10 Responses

  1. Hello Kharon. I loved the advice on the weight of the bike. I am always worried about the weight of a bike when looking at them, but now I know different. I’m not going to carry them.

    Who knew the BMW 1200 was a guys bike, news to you!! At least you showed him.

    Thanks for sharing your story.

  2. Nice interview, Kharon! You just have to laugh at something like the “man’s bike” comment.

  3. If I had known I was getting a “man’s” bike, I would have picked a more girly color! hahaha
    I am loving all of these posts, thanks for including mine and keep it up!

  4. Nice to meet another female on an R1200GS! The parts guy at my dealership says I’m the only girl he knows that owns one. 🙂 Don’t change the color…just put lip stickers on it. Hehe

    So did you ask that guy if he calls dudes girls that are riding an XL883? 😉

    1. We need to start a girl group with R1200GS’…the world needs to be educated. Mine is a white 2010 that I love dearly! Great group of profiles. You guys (gals) all totally rock!


  5. Love your reason for wanting to ride:
    “because it is fun … pure and simple.”
    Has there ever been a more perfect reason to ride?

    Thanks for sharing your story, Kharon!

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