Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Shirley

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

First up, I’d like y’all to read Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Shirley, she is from Iowa. She replied to my email lighting fast!

I sent out several emails Sunday night requesting help and the response is phenomenal! I’m so excited to be able to profile other female motorcyclists! My dilemma – who should start these posts rolling?! I decided to go in order of submission. Seemed fair enough!

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Shirley

How long have you been riding a motorcycle? 

8 or 9 years (rode when I was a teen but got out from behind hubby and on my own about 8 yrs. ago)

How did you learn to ride? 

Dad rode so I just started.  When as an “older” adult I decided to ride again my husband re-trained me.

What was your first motorcycle? 

250 Virago

How many have you owned?

Three  – the Virago then a 650 V-Star and now my Harley Fatboy (1450 cc)

Why did you want to ride a motorcycle? 

My family, including my husband, has always ridden so it was natural.  But what I love is the freedom whether riding alone or with a group.

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Shirley - photo collage
Shirley, female motorcyclist

Tell us about your riding.

Pleasure for sure. I have ridden to work but not on a regular basis. Have also ridden while on vacation (we take them to Texas with us for the winter) and as a vacation – rode to Sturgis

What advice do you have for women who ride or want to ride a motorcycle? 

Start with a size you are comfortable with – you can always move up as I have.  Don’t be pressured into anything.

What is the longest trip that you’ve taken on your motorcycle? 

To Sturgis from Carlisle, Iowa (about 1200 miles round trip I think).

Do you belong to any motorcycle groups?

I am a member of both the National and local Harley Owners Group (HOG).  Last Fall my friend Janet Green (BikerChick) and myself along with two others started a local chapter of the Chrome Divas, a woman’s national motorcycle organization.

Do you have a favorite riding story? 

It is really silly but probably the day when everyone was busy and it occurred to me that I didn’t need others to ride with! Although it was only about a 40 or 50 mile round trip it was an amazing feeling to get my Harley out of the garage and just ride. 

Besides I love the looks women still get on a bike. [Me too!] Should probably say the ride to Sturgis since it was long and due to a very high cross-wind it was challenging (and on my bucket list and it was also amazing) but as a woman rider who had ridden several years it just never occurred to me to get on and ride by myself. Now I do!

What do you do when you’re not riding? 

I retired just over a year ago – spent the last 9 years as the Executive Director of a library foundation.

@helmetorheels blogger Pam

My name is Pam and I am so glad you stopped by today! I started this blog to document my journey into motorcycling and along the way I met so many other lady riders with inspiring stories to tell I began to share theirs as well.

About the same time I started this blog I joined Twitter (@helmetorheels) and began to meet other female motorcycle riders.

These ladies were so inspiring to me because I found other newbies like me to life-long experienced riders who were willing to share encouragement, tips, and their friendship. I was welcomed where I was on my journey. What an incredible community I found online to fuel my desire to ride. 

Catch us on Instagram @helmetorheels and Pinterest @helmetorheels – we are just getting started!

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8 Responses

      1. Maybe. I started out riding a motorcycle almost 30 years ago but quit and wasted time until I took up riding a scooter 5 years ago. I am again thinking about getting back on a motorcycle too. I am “moto obcessed” and crank out a blog sharing my passion. I am loving reading these stories because I often feel like I am the only crazy old gal out here doing this stuff! Thanks!

  1. This is my good friend and I am honored to get to ride with her often! She’s a hell of a lot of fun and a smart, courageous, accomplished woman! Congrats on a great profile, Shirley!

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