Can’t ride, so let’s laugh!

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

Rain, followed by more rain and then storms. That about sums up the last couple of days. What do you do on days you can’t ride?

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9 Responses

  1. I saw this the other day and had a great laugh over it.

    We got hammered with rain too in September. Thanks for taking the rain so we could have a few days of sun. Have they told you when t expect a break in it? We’ve had 3 days of sun now and the rains return tomorrow.

    1. Trobairitz – the weather report keeps flipping between clearing up and oh no more rain! We’ll have to play it by ear. I hope my riding season hasn’t come to an end just yet.

      Enjoy the sun!

  2. This is me.  if you have any interest.  🙂


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