Fall in Minnesota

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

Fall in Minnesota can occasionally include snow. The snow isn’t going to last long with temperatures going into the forties, but it sure is beautiful! Be careful my fellow Minnesotans, especially those on two wheels, it is slick out there!

Fall in Minnesota

Fall in Minnesota

I love living in a state that has so many seasons. Each has its own highs and lows – and I’m not just talking temperatures! Fall is a transition into winter up in the north. Sometimes winter hits early like the recent snowfall we had.

And true to the season we will be back above freezing and this snow will be gone in no time. And the motorcycles will be back out trying to catch one more ride before going into storage.

Ladies, I would love to hear from any who bike all year round especially in the winter where there is snow coverage. Your experience and knowledge would help many around the world. Fill out the contact form and let’s connect!

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