A Bloggers Centerline Day aka ABCD

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

Gary France had a fabulous idea he called A Bloggers Centerline Day aka ABCD! Basically, you take a picture on May 1, 2011 that includes a centerline and you {or at least some part of you}, and post it on your blog. Full details here.

A Bloggers Centerline Day aka ABCD

It was an easy choice on where I wanted to take my centerline picture. This is the first street I road my motorcycle solo about one year ago after passing my endorsement test!!

A Bloggers Centerline Day aka ABCD

I haven’t been able to ride yet this year because it has been cold and rainy, even had snow last week. I’m hopeful the weather will be changing soon. I need to get back out there soon!


Pam here, and I’m so delighted you came by today. I started this blog to chronicle my introduction to riding a motorcycle, but as I went along, I met so many other female riders who had wonderful tales to share that I started sharing theirs as well.

I joined Twitter (@helmetorheels) at the same time I launched this blog and started networking with other female motorcycle riders. I met other rookies to lifelong seasoned riders who were willing to provide encouragement, advice, and their relationship with me, which is why these women were so motivating to me. Wherever I was on my journey, I was welcomed. What a wonderful community I discovered online to fuel my passion for riding.

Follow us on Pinterest @helmetorheels and Instagram @helmetorheels because we are just getting started!

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16 Responses

  1. Where ever you live…you need to move south!! hahaha! Love the photo and I’m glad you joined ABCD! So nice to meet you and hope you can get out there and ride soon!

  2. Yeah, weather sucked all over the place, I haven’t done too much riding this year either. But now it’s May, please get your bike on the road in order to draw the sun and blue sky out.

    1. Richard,
      Busted – no helmet or heels! I didn’t think I would have too much time to take a picture in the middle of the road by myself. Next time!

  3. Nice picture 🙂 and congratulations on joining the rider group.
    What you mean it’s too cold? suit up and ride, unless it’s below freezing there’s no excuse 😉

  4. It wouldn’t have mattered if I had remembered ABC Day; I hadn’t a bike to pose with! I guess we could have pushed one of the non-running bikes out to the street, but not much point in that! Glad to see your happy face, though, Pam. You’ll be riding again soon… hold on to that thought!

  5. George & Chris,
    I need different gear than I have to be able to ride on these cold days. A second motorcycle would be higher on the list so hubby and I can ride together. All in good time. >wink<

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