And now a word from our sponsor … Okay, I’m the sponsor! Due to technical difficulties I am taking a break from the series. I’m hoping things will get back on track in the next day or two! Aren’t computers fun?!
It has been an amazing series so far! The first profile of a female motorcyclist was posted on April 10 introducing Shirley. Including that post there have been 43 lady riders that have shared their story and close to 8400 views of these profiles!
All the comments and connections that are being made are frosting on the cake. Ladies, thank you for taking the time to share your story and pictures. You ROCK!
And now a word from our sponsor

Gals, the call is still going out for more riders! Leave a comment or fill out the contact form and let me know if you’d like to join and share your story. You are unique and have something to say about your experience and how you got into motorcycling. It will encourage others and you’ll never know the connections you will make with other female motorcyclists!
Again, thank you to the 43 women motorcyclists who’ve graciously shared their story! Cyber (((hugs)))
All female riders are welcome to join the Helmet or Heels group, regardless of their level of experience or desire to ride solo or pillion. No matter where you are on your journey, I would love to hear about your motorcycle experiences. Other ladies will be motivated by it along the way.
Catch us on Instagram @helmetorheels, Pinterest @helmetorheels or Twitter @helmetorheels – we are just getting started!
11 Responses
I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed reading about all the lady riders! As a new rider at age 51, it has certainly been very encouraging to me!
And a bil ‘ol cyber hug to you too Pam. Thank you for taking the time to share all these wonderful ladies with us.
Big hug, not a bil. Sorry.
Either way I’d take the hug!!
I really have enjoyed reading about my “sister” riders all over the world! Thanks for giving us a way to connect. Ride on and ride safe! Karen
Thanks for coming up with this brilliant idea Pam! It has been great reading about other female motorcyclists!
Thanks for putting all those female riders into (well deserved) limelight. And thanks to the ladies out there for sharing their stories. You rock!
Love your site Pam, you’re doing a cracking job for female bikers and I know I’m not alone in hugely appreciating that. You’re a star. Hugs from over the pond xx
Thank you friends! My part was easy, its your stories that are rocking!!
Pam, ditto what everyone else said. I have thoroughly enjoyed the series. I hope you get things sorted out, soon!
This is indeed an awesome series- I love reading the stories and looking at everyone’s pictures…..