Annual Ride to Work Day 2013

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

Annual Ride to Work Day 2013! The third Monday in June every year! this year it falls on June 17, 2013.

Annual Ride to Work Day - June 17, 2013

Annual Ride to Work Day 2013

Need some help rallying the troops? Head over to and find all sorts of downloadable logos, web banners, signs, posters, and more!

Here’s to hoping we ALL have wonderful riding weather!

P.S. Ladies! Let me know if you’d like to share your story in The Profiles of a Female Motorcyclist! Let’s connect. Fill out the contact form and I will send over the questions. Answers can be long or short and all I ask for is at least one photo!

Annual Ride to Work Day 2013
Some old timers that showed up to work!

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8 Responses

  1. This is the one day. Year I am guaranteed to suit up and ride to work, rain or shine. Usually it is a pain to do it for a three mile commute, but I do it on ride to work day.

    Thanks for the reminder.

  2. My crazy husband does a 40 mile round trip commute every day, probably 95% of the year on the bike. Hopefully New Zoom will be back home and on the road by Ride To Work Day!

  3. I am fortunate to ride to work nearly everyday. Only 8 miles each way, but definitely more enjoyable than driving my car.

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