Extreme Barbie Jeep Racing?!

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

Extreme Barbie Jeep Racing! This looks fun … fully ATGATT of course!

Extreme Barbie Jeep Racing

It is not on two wheels but it sure looks fun! Have you ever competed in something like this extreme? I haven’t. But we do have quite a few female motorcycle racers in our midst! Check out some of the profiles of female motorcyclist.

Barbie Jeep Racing

I remember back in college they had a tricycle race! Nothing funnier than seeing a bunch of college kids trying to pedal trikes. No big prizes that day, just bragging rights of participating along with a few winning trophies. Think small trophies!

Whether or not you have raced your motorbike or participated in Barbie Jeep Racing trek your story will inspire another gal to ride. Fill out the contact form and let’s connect!

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6 Responses

  1. Wow, there is crazy, and then there is craaaaazzzzyyy. It does look like they are having too much fun though. I’d end up with a broken limb for sure.

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