How easy is it to get you to give up on your dream? What if someone disses your dream, do you give up? Maybe it’s a lack of experience, education, or money, do you give up or give an excuse? I just watched The World’s Fastest Indian and have a whole new respect for moving forward until your dream comes true. This movie is worth taking the time to watch.
Dream big, work it out from there!
Bert Munro is an unlikely champion. This guy is a bit old to be racing motorcycles and his bike is ill equipped to be racing in the salt flats of Utah but he had a dream. The closer Munro gets to his goal of racing the Indian the more it seemed like it wasn’t going to happen.
Munro’s passion gave him focus to overcome the obstacles he faced from getting financing, to traveling to the United States, to finally racing. Obstacles were not road blocks or excuses for him, only undiscovered answers!

There is so much more in this movie, but I think it is best for you to discover that for yourself. I want to encourage you to never give up on your dreams no matter how far out there they seem!
Bert Munro was in his mid-to late sixties when he raced the first time. He still holds a land speed record for under 1000cc motorcycles. Never give up; never give excuses. Dream big, work it out from there!

Ladies, whether you are looking to start riding solo, a casual motorcyclist, a seasoned rider, or enjoying riding pillion you are all welcome to join in the Helmet or Heels community. I would love to share your story of motorcycling no matter where you are on the journey. It will inspire other women along the way.
Catch us on Instagram @helmetorheels, Pinterest @helmetorheels or Twitter @helmetorheels – we are just getting started!
15 Responses
Pam, I am currently reading “One Good Run” Bert Munro’s biography, written by Tim Hanna. It’s an excellent book; Bert is indeed an inspiration! And, the reminder to “dream big” is always appreciated!
Liz – I’ll have to look for that book! Thanks!
I love this movie – there are so many positive messages in it. For me the main lesson I took from the movie was about letting other people help to make your dreams come true: Burt makes so many friends and allies in his travels because of his open spirit and his passion.
Highwaylass – I couldn’t agree with you more!!
I’m going to look for that movie. Last week on a local Public Television station they interviewed a 80+ year old man that was trying to reach his goal of 140 mph on his bike. He looked MUCH younger than 80. He got his bike close to 140 on the track that day and he had such a good attitude. Said he wasn’t going to sit on the couch watching TV just because he was over 80. I admire that.
Karen – sounds like this guy has the right attitude! I’ll have to dig around PBS and see if I can find this interview.
It was on the Venture North program broadcast on WDSE in Duluth. I would like to see it again myself. Don’t know if it was a new program or a re-run. He was running the MC on the Brainard racetrack because that was the only place he could ride it that fast.
Funny coincidence: This evening I was telling my neighbor about the 80 yr old MC rider and she knew about him, said he is from Ely, MN near her hometown. Then she said she had watched this really good movie that I should see and guess what it was – The Worlds Fastest Indian. She said it was really good and is bringing over her DVD tomorrow so we can watch it. P.S. Made my first 84 mile highway run on my scooter today. YAY!
Love the coincidence!! Can’t wait to hear your review of the movie. Congrats on the 84 mile highway run. I still have yet to get out on the highway. Only riding sporadically lately. Hope to change that soon.
I recently watched Worlds Fastest Indian for the third time! The story of Bert Munro is indeed inspiring. My brother and I have built a couple of motorcycles. A chopper and a bobbed speed bike. After my last viewing of this movie, about a month ago, I found and bought an 82 XJ650 Yamaha Seca. It will become a cafe racer. Ha! At only 51, I should be ready for my own personal land speed record soon. It stands at 130 mph right now. I want to see 150. So I shall.
Fun to hear of your adventures! Let me know if you hit 150!!
With all these great reviews, I better get this movie!
Burt Munro (and this movie) is the reason I dismissed my previously held notion of being to old to race motos. I’m 39. And I now am actively working on my “one good run”. Burt’s my hero and I am happy to see how he has inspired others.
Awesome article. Glad I stumbled across this gem, even if I am terribly late. 🙂