Life lessons can be learned from experience, people, or things around us.
By Jacquie Sewell (with apologies to Robert Fulghum)
1. Don’t force a fit–if something is meant to be, it will come together naturally.
2. When things aren’t going so well, take a break. Everything will look different when you return.
3. Be sure to look at the big picture. Getting hung up on the little pieces only leads to frustration.
4. Perseverance pays off. Every important puzzle went together bit by bit, piece by piece.
5. When one spot stops working, move to another. But be sure to come back later (see #4).
6. The creator of the puzzle gave you the picture as a guidebook. Refer to the Creator’s guidebook often.
7. Variety is the spice of life. It’s the different colors and patterns that make the puzzle interesting.
8. Working together with friends and family makes any task fun.
9. Establish the border first. Boundaries give a sense of security and order.
10. Don’t be afraid to try different combinations. Some matches are surprising.
11. Take time often to celebrate your successes (even little ones).
12. Anything worth doing takes time and effort. A great puzzle can’t be rushed.
13. When you finally reach the last piece, don’t be sad. Rejoice in the masterpiece you’ve made and enjoy a well-deserved rest.
Copyright 2001 Jacquie Sewell
I don’t know about you, but I love me a jigsaw puzzle! Unfortunately, I haven’t been able put together a puzzle in a while, but the lessons stand. Do you like jigsaw puzzles?

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2 Responses
At this moment in my life I am starting to think the puzzle has several pieces missing.
My love of puzzles comes from my grandmother, when we would sit together afer dinner and enjoy. And each one of those points hits home and brings back wonderful memories. Thanks for posting. I hadn’t seen this.