I was feeling old until I saw this!

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

I was feeling old until I saw this. Check out this video – 80 reasons to keep moving!

Feeling Old

What are You Really Feeling?

What makes you feel that way? Is it your age? Being around younger people? Looking in the mirror? There are so many triggers out there that call us to compare ourselves with someone else. Foolishness. That is what it is.

Old For Your Age?

Feelings are a choice, don’t let outside opinions influence you. Think it through – is it internal or external pressure you are sensing? External – delete! Internal? Then ask yourself when was the last time you challenged yourself? Feeling old can be compared to being stale or a lack of growth.

Ladies, let’s not measure ourselves by someone else or their standards. Make it a goal to be better every day. Whether it is exercise, eating healthy, or getting your motorcycle license do it for you.

Helmet or Heels - Feeling Old

I hope this post will speak to your heart and clear your head – like a ride on your motorcycle will do! Still feeling old? Pin that image and remember what C. S. Lewis said. Join us on Pinterest!

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