My First Ride of the Year: Riding into Spring

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

The first ride of the year is always exciting – especially for female motorcyclists. There’s nothing quite like feeling the sun on your face, the wind in your hair, and the purr of your engine. It has been a long and nasty winter, and so far, spring hasn’t been much different here in Minnesota! We are finally getting some decent riding weather, so I begged my husband to get my motorcycle out of the garage. It has been buried behind a 50 HP outboard motor, a 14 foot fishing boat he is repainting, and the riding lawn mower

The Excitement of Spring Riding

Spring is finally here in Minnesota, and for female motorcyclists like me, it means dusting off your bike and getting ready for the first ride of the year. The excitement of taking out your motorcycle after a long winter’s nap is unmatched. Throughout the chilly winter months, I would frequently go over to my beloved [motorcycle] Roy, and talk with him about the adventures this next riding season held for us. Am I the only woman motorcyclist who names her bike and talks to him? 

Before You Go

However, before setting out, there are some things to keep in mind. Firstly, preparing for the first ride is critical. Check your motorcycle’s tires, brakes, and lights. Make sure your chain is lubricated and adjusted correctly. If you ran your motorcycle’s battery on a trickle charger over the winter, then check if it’s charged and ready to go. If not, it’s an excellent time to replace it.

First ride of the year - Helmet or Heels

Choosing the perfect route is also essential. Depending on where you live, the winter roughness can affect the roads. Pick well-maintained roads that avoid stretches with potholes and gravel. Do your research before winding down and selecting a route. You don’t want to be caught in a situation where you can’t find directions or run out of gasoline.

On any ride, it’s also necessary to gear up for safety. Make sure you put on all the safety gear (ATGATT), including a helmet, gloves, motorcycle jacket, and boots. Make sure you are visible with reflective clothing. It’s better to stay safe than sorry.

For my first ride of the season, I had help checking over my motorcycle from my son, who is an experienced rider. In fact, he took out my motorcycle to make sure everything was running smoothly after a long winter’s nap, and to report on the condition of the local roads. Many of the streets around my home are being torn up for replacement. It is kind of a mess with a lot of loose gravel, which can be dangerous for a street bike. 

Saddleman case - Helmet or Heels

Last year was my first season with Roy, a Royal Enfield Meteor, so I needed a quick refresher before taking off down the road! When I finally took off, it was thrilling! I took it easy, getting a feel for the bike again, and definitely needed to pay attention to the road construction. If you are like me, it has been a few months since I last rode my motorcycle, so I took it slow and easy. 

Spring is a time of new beginnings, and there’s nothing like the first ride of the year to get you excited about the riding season. So where did I ride off to? The grocery store! I know, not quite the adventure you were imagining. I needed to do some shopping and I wanted to take a ride, so I attached my Saddlemen to the seat, and off I went! You’d be surprised how much you can get into that case. 

Women Love Riding Motorcycles

As a woman, there is nothing more thrilling than hopping on a motorcycle and heading out into the open air. For many women, riding a motorcycle is a way to express their independence and individuality. There is nothing quite like the juxtaposition of freedom and focus that riding brings. 

There are few things in life that are as exciting as riding a motorcycle, especially on the first ride of the year. The sense of speed and adrenaline that comes from being on a motorbike is a feeling that can’t be beat. Every twist and turn of the road is an adventure, and it’s impossible not to be fully engaged in the moment when you’re on a motorcycle. 

So, if you’re a female motorcyclist, or thinking of becoming one, don’t hesitate to hit the road this spring. Whether you’re riding alone or with a group of like-minded riders, you’re sure to have an unforgettable experience.

Female Motorcyclist - Helmet or Heels Blog

Thank you for stopping by my blog, Helmet or Heels. I want to share my love of motorcycling with other women, encouraging the current riders, and inviting those who are considering joining us. I first learned how to ride in the late 1970s, during a time when it was taboo for women to ride. Thankfully, my husband thought differently. I didn’t get my motorcycle endorsement until 2010 at the age of 52, proving you are never too old to start riding! Ladies, I would love to share your story of how you got into motorcycling. Let’s inspire more women to become motorcyclists!

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