I’ve needed to refresh and update my wardrobe for a while. The problem is I don’t like to shop. Wait till you see my glorious haul! That wasn’t always the case. When my daughter was still at home she would help me find all sorts of great outfits. She knew what looked flattering on me and was quite honest when it didn’t! She was good. Now we are 1500 miles apart. I haven’t put much effort in these last couple of years.
Well, I was belly-aching at work about clothes again and a co-worker sent me this blog post from Pocket Your Dollars titled, “Do You Hate Clothes Shopping As Much As I Do? You May Not Have To Do It Ever. Again.” WHAT?! A woman after my own heart! I read the post and found out I could have the services of a personal shopper for FREE! I had nothing to lose so I made an appointment but had a three month wait.
My appointment finally happened. Enter Michelle from ARC’s Value Village personal shopper extraordinaire! To prepare for the appointment I filled out a questionnaire which she used to pull together a bunch of outfits and single items based on my preferences. Well, let me tell you it was well worth the wait! Michelle did an amazing job pulling outfits for me to try on. I still can’t believe the service is FREE. As a side note there is no pressure to buy but I did end up purchasing many of the items that Michelle picked out.
I now have 19 new pieces to add to my wardrobe. To break it down for you I purchased two pair of shoes, five necklaces, twelve pieces of clothing (one pair of pants, one spring jacket, two dresses, four blazers, and four tops). I spent about $160. Almost all the things I purchased are new (with tags) or have absolutely no signs of wear! Here’s a few of the items I brought home.
My Glorious Haul

Michelle the miracle worker and me.

Bottom line, I’m going to schedule another appointment with Michelle. During the appointment I forgot I didn’t like shopping. True story.
Have you worked with a personal shopper? Are you a thrifter? What’s your favorite “find”? I’m guessing you know mine is Michelle!
Here’s a link to ARC’s Value Village scheduler!
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18 Responses
I’m a thrifter- refusing to pay full price or even half price for anything…..I LOVE thrift stores and I will only pay $2.00-$2.50 for a pair of jeans. Plus I will only wear 100% cotton jeans with a longer rise and try to make sure they are made in the USA and the only place I have found that I can find those kind of jeans are in the thrift stores!
I hate and refuse to shop for new clothing- 1- because everyone else is wearing the same thing and 2- because it is SO expensive. I love the thrill of the hunt and then making the clothing mine, such as sewing on patches, tye-dying or just adding some flair to it. I can guarantee no one is wearing the same things as I am on any given day!
Congrats on adding pieces to your wardrobe! New year, new things!
Thanks! It was a wonderful time with a very talented young lady.
Love the casual aspect of your outfits. I hate shopping and I am a buyer by trade… (not for clothing though). If I can get it online I will.
I usually replace clothingwhen it is worn out or can’t be used in public any more, and I am boring whe it comes to my outfit: black or blue jeans with mostly black Shirts. In Summer I might change to more colourful tees. I don’t wear shorts much and do not own skirts. My personal shopper is hubby. He usually finds things that could suit me.
I have a had time buying clothes online because of my height – although I’m not THAT tall – 5’9″! Yay for a hubby that helps. I didn’t mention it in my post, but my hubby was with to help me decide.
I hate shopping. Doesn’t mater if it is for clothes, motorcycles, or toys. I don’t like the crowds or rifling through the goods. This means I tend to hold on to clothes for years until like Sonja said – they aren’t fit to be viewed in public anymore.
I like the personal shopper idea. I hate paying full price for anything so I usually shop at Ross for the fairest prices. Our local thrift stores aren’t great but I hear if you go to one of the bigger cities the choices at the thrift stores are much better.
Hubby has a better fashion sense than I do so that helps me too.
I think more women hate shopping than marketers care to admit! The personal shopper was a brilliant idea for a thrift store to employ.
Yay for another hubby with good fashion sense! LOL
Great idea! Wishing I had something like this in Kilkenny.
I know! I think Michelle is on to something that more thrift stores should consider!
Congats on a great experience and some wonderful clothes! that spring jacket will look great on you!
Thanks friend! It was really an enjoyable experience.
Oh how I can’t wait for my appointment.. Wonderful outfits and I am with you on buying clothes from the clothing store they dont’ make them like they use to, they are much thinner now and don’t last
Frances – you are in for a real treat! Michelle is so easy to work with and makes you feel really comfortable. Do share how your appointment goes.
Yay! Every woman I know who’s received personal fashion advice has benefited from it immensely. People more skilled at fashion than us can steer us in the right directions. So wonderful to see you enjoy the experience. There’s a lot of potential joy and self-expression in clothing for us to tap into; we just need to learn how to find it.
Shybiker – it was fabulous! I think more thrift stores would benefit from having a personal shopper available! I’ve made another appointment in May to get some spring/summer things!
I have an appointment scheduled next week with Michelle – it’s a mom/daughter outing and we’re super excited. Our appointment has been such a long time coming and I’m glad to read that it’s worth the wait!
Sharon – Do let me know how your appointment goes!! How wonderful for you and your daughter!
My appt. is coming up can’t wait I have waited for months for this and seen all the wonderful styles she has created for others on the fb page and wow it is awesome.. will take pic and send to you guys..