Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Dani

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

My next Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Dani is from Los Angeles, CA and we met via Twitter! You can find her @DaniKelly1. Dani is a multi-talented gal besides motorcycling she also is an actress, singer, dancer, and model! You can learn more about Dani and her career on her website

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Dani
Dani Kelly

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Dani

How long have you been riding a motorcycle? 5 years religiously, first started at age 7.

How did you learn to ride? I didn’t get good until I was in my twenties and took a class.

What was your first motorcycle? The first one I bought myself was a 2008 Harley Davidson 1200XL Custom Sportster in Cherry Black

How many have you owned? 6

Why did you want to ride a motorcycle? Freedom. I ride for the autonomy, for something that is mine and mine alone that no one can take away. I ride because I feel skilled and capable and empowered. Also, it beats the traffic!

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Dani Kelly

Tell us about your riding. I’ve ridden to Sturgis on a 28 day trip with three friends when I was 25 that changed my life. I ride daily. I love long rides on Sunday mornings.

What advice do you have for women who ride or want to ride a motorcycle? I say do it! Take a course, pair up with other riders who will teach you and protect you on the road, learn what they know and go from there.

What is the longest trip that you’ve taken on your motorcycle? I rode cross country for 28 days all the way through Arizona, Utah, Montana, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Idaho, Oregon, California and I can’t even think of where else.

I saw the arches national park which looks like the old Wile E. Coyote/Road Runner cartoons, I have seen Monument Valley, waterfalls, ruins, forests, mountains, deserts, I have ridden alongside a baby burro which was one of the biggest high’s of my life, I’ve seen Buffalo on a Mesa overlooking my bike, there aren’t words for the amazing things I’ve seen, done, people I’ve met….

Do you belong to any motorcycle groups? Unofficially I have a click of AMAZING women and we are very tightly intertwined… and a few guys too!

Do you have a favorite riding story? I have a million! Where to begin, what to start with. LOL One of my best friends and I were riding in Wyoming and it began to drizzle. She wanted to stop to put on her rain gear and I instead was like no the drizzle feels good.

Well in less than an hour it was hailing with thunder and lighting and buckets of rain. I was drenched head to toe, my jeans weighing me down while she was dry. I was so cold. We stopped at four or five motels, all of which had no vacancy.

I begged to pay for a room, not have a room, and just let me dry my clothes but you had to have a room to do so. She was laughing for hours while I froze my ass off. I’ve never argued with that woman since when it comes to riding!

On another occasion we were in Montana somewhere and hadn’t seen a gas station for miles. My little Sportie lasted about 120 miles between tanks and we were long past that. We pulled off into this abandoned town looking for gas because we had no options.

We found people cooking chicken and they told us insane stories of bloodshed over water in that town and to be careful and sold us a gallon for I think $20? If not more. It was definitely eerie.

What do you do when you’re not riding? I hike, I model, I play with my puppy, I drive to the beach and meditate, I work on articles, I sing, I dance, I sip wine and spend time with my AMAZING boyfriend. I do a lot!

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Dani Kelly - actress and model

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Dani! Wow. Motorcycling, modeling, acting, and more! Incredible women ride motorcycles. Your story is just as fabulous. Let’s share and inspire other gals to ride!

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3 Responses

  1. Great profile. Dani sounds like an interesting person. I admire everyone who tours on their bike. We get great stories from those adventures.

  2. Hello Dani.

    Always nice to hear of more lady riders. Keep on riding and doing what you love.

    Thanks again Pam for bringing all these wonderful lady riders to our attention.

  3. Friends thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

    I forgot to mention if you are a female motorcyclist I’d love to share your story too! Email me and I’ll send over the questions pamela.court(at)gmail(dot)com

    Check out all the lovely ladies by clicking the Lady Rider category.

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