I ride for fun, but some of us ladies ride for a living! My next Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Marion is from Palmdale, CA. She rides for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Marion
How long have you been riding a motorcycle?
About 44 years.
How did you learn to ride?
My parents put me on a Honda 50 when I was 5. They taught me how to ride.
What was your first motorcycle?
I shared a Honda 50 with my brother and sister.
How many have you owned?
Too many to count.
Why did you want to ride a motorcycle?
It seemed like fun. I do not really remember thinking about it. We just all rode.
Tell us about your riding. Commuter, pleasure, vacation, racing, or ?
I pretty much do it all. I recently started racing motocross. I ride to and from work. I take vacation to ride with some wonderful riders and friends on our annual Girly Ride.
I am the first, and so far only women, who has ridden street motors for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and I am on the off road motorcycle enforcement team.
This team rides dual sports and primarily enforces off highway regulations. We also deploy in terrain where it is difficult for cars to get to for things like missing persons, and emergency evacuations.

What advice do you have for women who ride or want to ride a motorcycle?
Take the MSF course. Ride your own ride. Don’t feel you have to keep up with someone, ride at a speed you are comfortable with.
Feel the freedom a motorcycle gives you- that is part of what makes it fun. Protective gear that fits properly will be worth the investment.
What is the longest trip that you’ve taken on your cycle?
A few years ago we rode to Oregon for a two week ride. We used Florence as our “base camp” and visited all the lighthouses up and down the coast, visited family and friends and generally played tourist.
Of course, being we were in Oregon, we got rained on daily. Good thing we had rain gear to wear while riding.
Do you belong to any motorcycle groups?
Not really. I participate in a couple of forums, Pashnit and Two Wheel Females but no official groups.
Do you have a favorite riding story?
When I was 9 years old a friend and I were riding at campground in Coursegold. I went down a trail; lost control rode through a Manzanita bush then hit an Oak tree. A branch pierced my upper right thigh and I split my helmet in two. I never had to be told to wear a helmet again.
What do you do when you’re not riding?
I enjoy spending time with my family. I enjoy camping, reading, and playing at the lake.

Pam here, and I’m so delighted you came by today and read Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Marion. I started this blog to chronicle my introduction to riding a motorcycle, but as I went along, I met so many other female riders who had wonderful tales to share that I started sharing theirs as well.
I joined Twitter (@helmetorheels) at the same time I launched this blog and started networking with other female motorcycle riders. I met other rookies to lifelong seasoned riders who were willing to provide encouragement, advice, and their relationship with me, which is why these women were so motivating to me. Wherever I was on my journey, I was welcomed. What a wonderful community I discovered online to fuel my passion for riding.
Follow us on Pinterest @helmetorheels and Instagram @helmetorheels because we are just getting started!
18 Responses
You are BEYOND COOL! Great post!
Heck yeah!!! If I had to get pulled over if I was ever in her jurisdiction it would be an honor to be sitting in front of Marion’s police bike! Not that I would admit to anything though. 🙂 Awesomness!!!
Awesome. It is great to hear of ladies becoming motor officers and here you are taking it a step further with the off road riding. Great job Marion, we appreciate your service.
I would like to meet you too, but from behind your bike, not in front
Riding the Wet Coast
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If only I had leaned to ride in my 20’s I would have chosen a career a a motor officer.
Nice to meet you Marion! Way cool!
I am having so much fun reading all my friends replies to Pam’s questions.
I have had the pleasure of riding with Marion on the Pashnit Girly Rides and what fun we have!!! I can’t wait until this years ride!
Marion is not only an awesome rider, but an amazing woman and has a wicked sense of humor!!
Yeah what Donna said!!! Hi Marion!! 🙂
Marion, my favorite sweep! I still have my official Deputy Marion trading card tacked up in my office. 🙂
How do I get one of those official Deputy Marion trading cards?!!
Thanks to everyone..Pam If you send me an address I will snail mail you a card.
Super Marion! Your motocross photos simply amaze me.
All of your comments warm my heart. As Marion’s mother I had to watch her overcome some pretty horrible health problems to get where she is today. Her tenacious determination was awesome. Marion, you are my hero. Love Mom
Thanks Mom. It is because of the examples you set for me that I was able to become the person I am. For all of those who don’t know my mom0 she is awesome. I was extremley lucky to be blessed with wonderful,supporting and fine people for parents.
Love you too Mom
I always enjoy having “Sarge” along on Girly Rides…nice to know there’s another cop in the room!
Ally- Riding with you there is great- What Sgt dosen’t like having an awesome Deputy right there with them?
Marion is my big sister, my best friend, my support, and a great role model for all the women in this world. She has accomplished everything she has set out to do. She has taught my children and my grandchildren how to ride motorcycels sence before the could walk. I’m very proud of my big sister. Love you sister sister,
Baby sister
Love you too- even if you are sometimes a blonde brat that needs to be handcuffed to the steering wheel of an old MG
Love your big sister
really GREAT article…..love the pictures…if you know Marion’s parents you would not be surprised at what she is doing today!!! Marion is a good role model for women doing what they want to do and not being stopped because it is “out of the box.” Ride ON Marion!!