Oh my gosh! Shopping for a motorcycle is worse than shopping for shoes! Yes. You read that right. Too many choices under one roof. I was in decision overload. Thank God for a clear thinking husband!!
Shopping with a Plan!
We went to Sport Wheels in Jordan, MN which is about an hour south of where I live. They have a ton of motorcycles, from new to old, ready to go to repairable, as well as a ton of parts and accessories! We viewed their inventory online and had an idea of what bikes we would be looking at on a list.
When we arrived we walked around the large warehouse that doubled as the “show room.” The motorcycles in here went from vintage to last year’s models.
We found an older automatic Honda decked out with a fairing, a 2009 Suzuki Boulevard M50, and a vintage 1969 Honda 450 that needed restoration. The variety was awesome and confusing at the same time.
That’s where the list came in handy. My hubby narrowed down the search to several bikes he thought we would be able to share until I get enough experience under my belt to get another bike.
Even though I have my motorcycle endorsement, I haven’t driven over 20 MPH or outside of a parking lot! Yes. I need to practice some more to gain experience and confidence.
We went up to the main building to get someone to help us when to my surprise the person that came out was a woman. Okay, I’m still getting over the fact that there ARE women who like to ride and know about bikes!
Kim and her husband own the place. She does know her stuff! Kim started to walk us around pointing out things she thought would be of interest to us as she helped us find the bikes on our list.
Around and around the warehouse we went sitting on different bikes, starting the more interesting ones. We both took a turn comparing and contrasting several bikes until we narrowed it down to two motorcycles. Which one did we choose? Stayed tuned.

Ladies, whether you are looking to start riding solo, a casual motorcyclist, a seasoned rider, or enjoying riding pillion you are all welcome to join in the Helmet or Heels community. I would love to share your story of motorcycling no matter where you are on the journey. It will inspire other women along the way.
Catch us on Instagram @helmetorheels, Pinterest @helmetorheels or Twitter @helmetorheels – we are just getting started!
4 Responses
This is so exciting! I am following your adventure with anticipation. Just remember, there is absolutely no shame in riding no faster than 20 mph and in parking lots for as long as you need to feel comfortable. There WILL come a day when your confidence will be up and you will say, “I’m going out on the road today.” Can’t wait to hear more!
With so many choices it’s hard to say which one you will choose, especially with so much to choose from. It’s so suspenseful having to wait for your next post.
practice until you feel confident. Don’t rush the process or compromise your safety
Wet Coast Scootin
I had no idea such a place existed. If I’m ever in Minnesota I’ll have to check it out. I don’t know … could be hazardous to my wallet.