The Nighthawk has landed!

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

My hubby is definitely my hero! He rode our new ’00 Honda CB750 Nighthawk home in 46 degrees with a stiff wind and a few sprinkles. It was an hour ride all highway. Between the wind and the 65 mph he was a bit chilly when we arrived, but never complained. I’ll get out on the bike tomorrow and get more pictures too.

The Nighthawk has landed!

The Nighthawk has landed!
Taking off for home!

Pam here, and I’m so delighted you came by today. I started this blog to chronicle my introduction to riding a motorcycle, but as I went along, I met so many other female riders who had wonderful tales to share that I started sharing theirs as well.

I joined Twitter (@helmetorheels) at the same time I launched this blog and started networking with other female motorcycle riders. I met other rookies to lifelong seasoned riders who were willing to provide encouragement, advice, and their relationship with me, which is why these women were so motivating to me. Wherever I was on my journey, I was welcomed. What a wonderful community I discovered online to fuel my passion for riding.

Follow us on Pinterest @helmetorheels and Instagram @helmetorheels because we are just getting started!

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