The days filled with riding motorbikes are quickly coming to an end, but the memories still bring a smile to our face. The Minnesota State Fair, the last week of August, for us, marks the unofficial end of summer, and the weather appears to change almost immediately.
Pull out the sweaters and jackets we all know that winter is coming. And that means we need to prepare our bikes for storage. Here are 7 winter motorcycle storage tips that will help you get prepared and get the most out of your winter storage.
7 Winter Motorcycle Storage Tips
Store your Motorcycle
The best place to store your motorcycle is in a windowless room. Over time UV light will fade paint and any plastic parts. If you don’t have a windowless room then make sure to cover your bike with a tarp or other opaque covering. If you don’t have an indoor, windowless space, many dealers offer winter storage space or you can rent a storage unit.
Cover your Motorcycle
Whether you have an optimum storage spot or not, it is important to protect your bike from the elements. You should cover your bike and not just in the winter. If you store your motorcycle outside during the riding season it is good to cover your bike to protect it from the elements.
This is a great piece of gear to have on hand for your motorcycle.

Disconnect the Battery
It is smart to disconnect the battery before storing your motorcycle. If your storage unit is not temperature controlled the cold weather can freeze the battery. This can cause damage to your battery and even your motorcycle. Keep the battery in a dry and well ventilated location.
Remember to clean the battery terminals with a wire brush to remove any corrosion. Check with the manufacturer for other recommendations such as a dielectric grease for your battery and motorcycle.
Stabilize the Fuel
Always store your motorcycle with a full tank of fuel that has a stabilizer in it. The stabilizer will keep the fuel from degrading and will make it last longer. It also helps to prevent moisture from accumulating which can harm the engine.
Check your owner’s manual or dealer for recommendations for your motorcycle based on year and model.
Tire Care
It is recommended that you keep your motorcycle tires fully inflated during storage. Follow the recommended pressure of the tire. When storing your motorcycle make sure that you put a piece of cardboard or mat under the tires to protect them from freezing especially on concrete or metal flooring. This is not necessary if you store your motorcycle in a climate controlled environment.
Change the Oil
Because of the acids produced when the motorcycle is in use and old, used oil can cause damage. Before storing your motorcycle, it is a good idea to change the oil. Check with the manufacturer of your motorcycle for recommendations on what grade to use.
Clean and Wax Motorcycle
The final motorcycle winter storage tips are to clean and wax your motorcycle before storing it. This should be a habit after you ride your bike too! Removing dirt and grime from your motorcycle will help prevent rusting and corrosion during storage.
Waxing your motorcycle will help it look new and will help keep it protected. And it will get you out on the road faster in the spring when the weather is warmer.
7 Winter Motorcycle Storage Tips
I hope you found these winter motorcycle storage tips useful. Do you have any winter bike storage tips to add to the list? Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear them and add them to the list.
If you live in the upper Midwest like me, by Fall it seems like the end of the riding season is quickly approaching. It is always a good idea to plan ahead of time for winter storage. These suggestions should help you get your motorcycle ready and through the winter storage process. And then we begin to dream about next year’s riding season!

My name is Pam and I am so glad you stopped by today! I started this blog to document my journey into motorcycling and along the way I met so many other lady riders with inspiring stories to tell I began to share theirs as well.
About the same time I started this blog I joined Twitter (@helmetorheels) and began to meet other female motorcycle riders. These ladies were so inspiring to me because I found other newbies like me to life-long experienced riders who were willing to share encouragement, tips, and their friendship. I was welcomed where I was on my journey. What an incredible community I found online to fuel my desire to ride. Catch us on Instagram @helmetorheels and Pinterest @helmetorheels – we are just getting started!