
Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

Woot-woot! I was thinking I’d like to do a giveaway, but didn’t know what it would be. Then a friend gave me a new product to try, Essentia an all natural ingredient face, hand, and body cream and BINGO this was it! I had to share this product because I like supporting companies that consider the social impact of their product. And this one does!

Essentia contains essential oils, moisturizers and vitamins, blended with natural Moroccan Argan Oil. Argan Oil is just beginning to hit the United States cosmetic world. Its moisturizing and nourishing benefits for skin are many and at my age I’m needing all the help I can get. Seeds of Innovation Technologies, exclusively carries this product and is very reasonable priced at $7 for 1 ounce jar. (FYI Sephora carries Josie Maran Argan Oil 0.5 ounce for $14.)

Back to the giveaway. I have four 1 ounce jars of Essentia to giveaway! To enter leave me a comment and share what you use for face moisturizer, don’t forget to add your email address! I will pick four winners on Sunday using a random number generator and post the winners names. One entry per person. Limited to Continental United States AND Canada (unless you want to pay postage).

Essentia with Argan Oil

P.S. This is not a sponsored post. I just wanted to share this great product.

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11 Responses

  1. It is always good to find a face lotion that you like. For some reason I have used Oil of Olay for sensitive skin since I was about 25 and it seems to work well for me. I have tried to find an all natural and not tested on animals alternative, but everything makes me break out. I also find it hard to find one without any SPF in it. I hate the smell of them and they make me itch, lol.

    Damn sensitive skin.

    1. Trobairitz – I don’t have sensitive skin, but I do notice if I change something I put on my face I tend to react. I’ve learned to keep using it for a couple of weeks. If it doesn’t clear up I’m looking for something new!

    2. Brandy I use Oil of Olay too, always have, as I have sensative skin that’s the only thing I can even wave near my face without it turning an interesting bright red.

      Pam did the Essentia give you a reaction? I’m willing to try new things if they work and like everyone else would love to think that my products arent a part of any cruelty to animals (or humans for that matter .. you should see the interesting shades of red my face has been from trying some new products).

      P.S. dont include this reply in your giveaway as I’m too far away, just interested to hear more about this product.

  2. I have just been using essential oils straight for almost 2 years. I switch between argan oil, coconut oil and almond oil. Sometimes I will even use castor oil which is pretty thick. I definitley like to use natural products!

  3. I’m currently using Mary Kay tinted moisturizer. Not really impressed with it, though. It’s more like runny foundation. Yuck.

  4. A yummy giveaway well that’s neat. Right now for moisturizer I’m trying a product which was recommended by a friend called Blue Burdock Mousturizer made by Wild Carrot Herbals. Prior to that I had been using BelleDerm’s Extra Gentle Hydration Lotion but wanted to put more natural products on my face. I’m scraping the last of the bottle right now. Thinking about options because my complexion does get drier during Winter and I plan to ski and motorcycle a lot. E: How’s that?

  5. I use baby lotion on my face for many years.
    My hand and feet very dry that I have been use many kind of lotion but
    my feet still very dry. I would like to find different lotion to help my dry skin.
    Thank you for sharing your blog.

  6. I use Burt’s Bees Naturally Ageless Hydrating Night Cream with Pomegranate. Most products make me break out too. So I love this night cream being very light. Light enough to use for daytime too. And I love the smell. 🙂

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