Good bye Annette. I was sad to hear Annette Funicello died yesterday of complications from multiple sclerosis. I grew up watching the Mickey Mouse Club and later her movies.
Hard to pick a favorite with a lineup like, The Shaggy Dog, Babes in Toyland, or Beach Party! Did did so many beach movies with Frankie Avalon. Classic movies!
Do you have a favorite Annette movie?

Image source unknown

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3 Responses
Excellent Image! I was taken aback at losing Annette on the heals of Margaret Thatcher as well. Sigh. Status quo for a little while please!
I agree! Everyone take your vitamins and stay healthy.
I watched Annette on Mickey Mouse Club too! Oddly enough though, whenever I think of Annette, I always think of Danny Zuko saying, “Nobody’s jugs are bigger than Annette’s!” LOL