Did You Name Your Ride?

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

Did you name your ride? I did. I named my Suzuki 650 VStrom Suzie. I know what you’re thinking … Suzuki … Suzie. Nope. I picked Suzie because that was the name of my first best friend ever.

She lived across the street from me and the same age. We did everything together. True besties! That is until Suzie’s family moved away when we were in third grade. >sniff, sniff<

It was natural to name my ride after my childhood BFF!!

Did you name your ride?

Name your Ride?

What about you? Did you name your motorcycle? Is there a story behind that name? Do share!!

Name your ride?
Wonder if any of these old bikes had names?!
Did you name your ride? Here's my first ride, Hawk!

Ladies, whether you are looking to start riding solo, a casual motorcyclist, a seasoned rider, or enjoying riding pillion you are all welcome to join in the Helmet or Heels community. I would love to share your story of motorcycling no matter where you are on the journey. It will inspire other women along the way.

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28 Responses

  1. I don’t have a problem with naming ones cycle but just cant do it. I had a dog a while back that I named Dog. I did give formal names to my sons but cant give my bike a name. When she does not start, I do have some choice descriptive phrases that I have yelled out.

  2. I always name my bikes — except once when someone else named it for me. I owned a big touring bike (1992 Yamaha Venture Royale) and parked it next to some scooters in front of a Japanese restaurant in NYC. When I came back, I saw a group of young men gawking at my bike and realized they were employees who used the scooters to deliver food. They didn’t speak English but conveyed their appreciation of my bike non-verbally. Then one of them, in an effort to comment on the relative huge size of my bike to theirs, pointed to my bike and said, “Godzilla!” Which became its permanent name.

  3. I must admit, although I did not name my TU250 (I’d never named a vehicle before) I did name my Suzuki Gladius Maximus, the character Russell Crowe played in the Gladiator – Max for short.

    Hence it is a Gladius Maximus not Gluteus Maximus.

      1. In keeping with my naming convention, it’s name must be “bike” (to go along with “car” and “truck”). Some of us have no imagination…

  4. “Max” after “Mad Max” & “Lil Pink”, self explanatory. Hubby’s bikes are “Miss Faye”, he rode it home in Hurricane Faye and “LT” for light truck.

  5. Our friend also has a big Royal Star, “Monster” & when he wore it out & found another, “Monster II”

  6. Always. Scooters and cars. My scoot’s name is “Squirt” because she is so little and fun and cute. Like Squirt in “Finding Nemo”. I have her name on her and a little Squirt picture beside it. Plus I have a Squirt plush among my scooter display shelf in the den.

  7. My first ride was Puck, a 150cc scooter I learned on. “Puck” because the pucca fairies are quick and fun loving but can turn around and bite you if disrespected.

    Current ride is a Piaggio MP3 400 named “Merlin”, not for the wizard necessarily, but for the species of hawk. She has a bird-of-prey or dragon look about her, and she’s fast enough to keep up with my husband’s Harley – even beat him off the line and in the twisties. 🙂

  8. My 1st moto was a KLR named “Clarity”
    2nd was a V-Strom named “Serenity”
    my current is a K1200gt named “Tranquility.”
    All three are named for what I get when I ride them.

  9. I named my bw 50 scooter bumble bee…since it was yellow and black. I now have a black 300 ninja which I have named Joan Jett!

  10. I named my first bike, a 1983 Suzuki Tempter “Frankie.” Sort of a nod to the music of that era. My current bike, an ’07 V-Strom is “Sookie Suzuki.” Probably not original, but I thought it was cute.

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