I have a Kindle and a Nook, but some books just don’t belong in a digital format. A book like, France In America, is one because it is an experience that needs to be had in person.
The author of the book Gary France offered pre-release copies of his book to people who left comments on his blog during his travels. I don’t leave a lot of comments on blogs, but asked if he’d consider sending me a copy. Gary said yes!
What a delightful surprise when I opened the package and found this gorgeous book! Over 400 pages of beautiful photos and stories of his epic adventure across America. Gary’s adventure took place in 2010. That was also the year I started riding solo.

And he signed it too!!

The book chronicles Gary’s 21,000 mile trip across America on his Harley.

I jumped right to the pages when Gary visited Minnesota. I was not disappointed with the eight pages I found! Here’s a taste of what this book holds …

Gary’s introduction in the book gives a very vulnerable look into his life and made me feel honored that I had “met” him on these pages and in his blog Flies in your Teeth. I’ll be pouring over this book in the weeks and months to come learning more and seeing my country come alive through Gary’s eyes. I highly recommend picking up a copy of France In America, not only to learn about Gary’s adventure, but also to inspire one of your own!
Jump over to his site where he offers Motorcycle Touring Guides, you can also find videos and learn more about him. For those on Twitter he’s there too! @GarySFrance
Thank you Gary for your generous gift. Your book is a treasure.

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3 Responses
Thank you so much for writing about my book. I had never been to Minnesota before, so the state was a new experience for me. I like your description of the introduction as being “vulnerable” as I hadn’t looked at it like that before, but I guess you are spot on! I can only hope that I did your country justice with my book. I hope I did, for during my travels in America, I fell in love with it. Best wishes, Gary.
Gary – you did justice of my country! Thank you for stopping by!
I agree with you, great book, I’m still reading my copy I received from Gary.
I wasn’t born in the US but love this country, just like Gary I really enjoy the differences from the north to the south and east to west. I’ve been lucky, I have been able to travel across this beautiful country multiple times and always find something new.