Did I ever tell you about the time when hubby and I were riding his Suzuki 550 on a back road and we flew off the bike over the handle bars? This happened almost 33 years ago when we were first married. Gear or no gear?
A helmet was the only gear we each were wearing. We both landed on our heads but were not seriously hurt. I did have a bad case of road rash across my back which was scrubbed out. >insert< SCREAM!
I happened to catch a news cast last night about a young man’s experience not wearing gear. He experienced a broken back, but should fully recover.

Gear or No Gear?
What about you? Gear or no gear? Me, I’m all in! I learned my lesson all those years ago flying over the handle bars. Helmet – never without. Jacket – I have two. One summer and one for the rest of the riding season. Gloves – protective riding gloves. I mostly commute so I wear jeans, but if ever I would travel far I would definitely buy some riding pants. Shoes with ankle coverage or riding boots.

Ladies, whether you are looking to start riding solo, a casual motorcyclist, a seasoned rider, or enjoying riding pillion you are all welcome to join in the Helmet or Heels community. I would love to share your story of motorcycling no matter where you are on the journey. It will inspire other women along the way.
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13 Responses
Seriously, the mental image of the road rash made me hurt.
If I was as cool as you and knew how to ride, I would definitely opt for gear. Red and shiny of course…to match my red lippy 😉
It was painful but thankfully lesson learned without too high of a price.
And lipstick is definitely a must-have!
D & I both have all the gear. He has been riding for close to 30 years, and really does ride a lot (30,000 miles last year). For his daily commute (50 miles) he wears his jacket & gloves (and helmet of course). For rides close to home-errands, out to eat, etc-I wear my jacket unless it’s very hot. To be quite honest, the only time we wear full gear are on the long full day or multi day trips. And I’ll admit that when we went to Gettysburg Bike Week we took advantage of the PA no helmet law while riding around town…quite an interesting feeling but something I’d never do on a daily basis 🙂
After going over the bars I don’t think is ever go without my helmet. Plus my hair would be very scary.
I always wear gear-my choice. Florida is a “no helmet” State so I have learned to look the other way when I see riders in shorts, flip-flops and hair blowing in the wind-their choice. Coming from an off-road racing background, I know what it’s like to hit the dirt in full gear. I hope I never have to hit asphalt.
I can’t imagine dying in some minor parking lot tip over (where I usually fall)because I didn’t have my helmet on and bashed my head.
Lynn – well said! Glad to hear you wear all the gear all the time too!
Gear all the time, even quick 5 minute trips. You just never know when you are going to be up close and personal with pavement. Been there once and that was all it took. I am a safety gear advocate and when I finally make it to motorcycle instructor school my students will hopefully understand why it is so important and that they have a lot to lose in an encounter of the pavement kind.
Bought my daughter a beautiful leather armored jacket yesterday for Easter. It matches her shiny new helmet. Now all we have to do is find some riding pants that fit & great pair of comfortable boots and then she is set.
Amen sister! I appreciated what one of the medical staff said in the video. Something like, she never met anyone that was sorry they wore their helmet. Truth.
Gear. All the time. Some days I go without knee armor, but I always wear abrasion resistant pants, armored jacket, boots, gloves, and helmet.
One day a bunch of us rode to an event on a beautiful hot sunny day. A couple of us wore helmets, but I was the only one with all the gear. I felt a little bit dorky and asked myself if all that gear was really necessary. While we were at the event there was a sudden rainstorm. Everybody scattered. We all ended up riding home separately, and I went down on the wet greasy pavement. I was unhurt except for a bruise on my hip on on my ego. My armored mesh pants and armored mesh jacket both got a little torn up. My helmet got scratched. My gear saved my face, knees and skin! Three cheers for gear!
Jessie – thank you for sharing your experience. I hope others will join us in wearing all the gear all the time!
The only time I have gone without a helmet is in a parade. I always wear it and never comment to those who don’t. What really annoys me is when they feel the need to explain to my why they don’t wear a helmet. Like their excuses have merit. ( gives me a headache, makes my head iitch, or my favorite…it won’t help if I get hit by a semi) I am also annoyed by the smug non riders who say ” I sure hope you wear a helmet” in a condescending voice. I always feel like replying ” I sure hope you take Lipitor” when they eat a jelly donut.
Chris – funny how people are sometimes! I’ve felt the same and heard almost the same excuses! Glad to hear you wear a helmet too!
I honestly don’t know why a rational person would travel at high speeds on a motorcycle without wearing protective gear. Do they think they’ll never crash? I’m a skilled rider, have riden for over a decade, and went down after being sideswiped by a car. If not for my gear, I’d be dead.