I picked up a Hitchhiker and saw some Bad Boys!

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

On Saturday hubby and I took a different direction for our ride. We went north to Milaca, MN. We took the long way there about 60 plus miles. It was clear, sunny, and the perfect temperature for riding ATGATT.

I picked up a Hitchhiker and saw some Bad Boys

We were going to stop for lunch. Our choices were Subway, DQ, or Barbara Jean’s. No brainer our pick Barbara Jean’s. It was the only restaurant with motorcycles outside. Had to be a good sign. Hubby ordered a Bison burger and I went with an Angus. Both were incredible. I’d also recommend the waffle fries with the chipotle sauce.

My Hitchhiker

When we went back to the motorcycles I found I picked up a rider. Apparently, he didn’t want to ride pillion.

I picked up a Hitchhiker and saw some Bad Boys
Jiminy Cricket?

I encouraged him to move along before taking off for home. Didn’t think he’d be able to hold on at 65+ mph.

Some Bad Boys!

On Sunday we went to church and look what was in the parking lot!

I picked up a Hitchhiker and saw some Bad Boys - painted Harley
Look at these two bad boys!
I picked up a Hitchhiker and saw some Bad Boys - close-ups painted Harley
Incredible custom BossHoss!

This one didn’t have quite the detailing, but still fully packed!

I picked up a Hitchhiker and saw some Bad Boys - black beast
Big. Black. Beautiful. BossHoss.

I picked up a Hitchhiker and saw some Bad Boys – We did wait around a bit after church, but didn’t get to meet the owners. Maybe next time! All in all hubby and I had a wonderful weekend ride. How about you?


Ladies, whether you are looking to start riding solo, a casual motorcyclist, a seasoned rider, or enjoying riding pillion you are all welcome to join in the Helmet or Heels community. I would love to share your story of motorcycling no matter where you are on the journey. It will inspire other women along the way.

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11 Responses

  1. Wow!! I do have one question tho, what is in the cansiter behind the rear shock on the airbrushed one? It’s got me facinated and I’m inaginging all sorts of things like nitro!!

  2. Wow, those are some customized monsters. I’m not so sure I like them, it seems a bit excessive to me. But to each his own, right?

  3. I agree with everyone those are quite the Harleys. Cha-ching they must have cost a pretty penny to customize.

    I like that the cricket wanted to hop on board for a ride. I don’t think he could have hung on for long. Glad you got some riding in.

  4. You collect cricket hitch hikers, I collect butterflies hitch hikers. I think the butterflies are easier to shoo away before leaving. Oh…and I once had a praying mantis.

    Flames at church? 🙂

  5. Wow, looks like “overkill” to me, but to each his own. Must cost a bundle to get them repaired if they ever get scratched or dented just because of the paint job! ha. My bike was covered with these green thingees that looked like miniature grasshoppers..??? I have no idea what they were. The only crickets I have ever seen have been dark brown or black in color. Went to Vancouver and returned and STILL had one clinging to my windshield….???

    SUPERBUG!! yuck!…:-(

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