Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Chris

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

I’m so excited about having another post of Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Chris! My next guest stopped and left a comment here on the blog so I reached out and asked if she’d like to join. I’m pleased as punch she said yes!! Let’s get this post rolling.

I’d like to introduce to you Chris or as she is known on most sites, 2vette2camaro. Chris said she choose that handle because when she first set-up profiles she owned two Vettes – a `75 and `81 and two Camaros – both `78s.

Chris and her hubby live in Harrison, Arkansas. She says, “I don’t do Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, or most general social sites – too much DRAMA. Instead you will find me on SlickDeals, FatWallet, Motortopia, and some of the chopper and hotrod forums.” Check out her blog AMAZING Cheap Life.

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Chris - hedgehog
One of Chris’ Pinto Hedgehogs

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Chris

How long have you been riding a motorcycle? Since I was 16. I learned to ride before I learned to drive!

Chris at 16 yrs old on a Yamaha 185 Exciter

How did you learn to ride? My brother and his friend rode whatever bikes they could get a hold of for cheap. Usually an old dirt bike or something. I remember having fun with them, riding on the back and jumping ditches and stuff and I knew I wanted to ride.

Then I started learning and eventually after buying the two Camaros, while in college, used my money to buy myself a bike instead of buying a third Camaro. As a little kid, I collected Hot Wheels and mini motorcycles so the fascination has always been with me.

What was your first motorcycle? First bike I learned to ride on was a Yamaha 185 Exciter. First bike I bought for myself was when I was 19 (over 20 years ago) and I got a Yamaha DT Enduro.

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Chris and her rides!

How many motorcycles have you owned? 10 total (I’ve owned more motorcycles than I have cars)1989 Yamaha DT, Suzuki 300, Yamaha 250 Exciter, 2 Yamaha Viragos, 1970 Ironhead Sportster, and presently 1986 Yamaha TW Enduro, 1981 Ironhead, 1956 Panhead (kick only)  and a “secret” project (I always have one I am building in secret).

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Chris - '56 Panhead
Progressing on her ’56 Panhead

Why did you want to ride a motorcycle? For the independence, the fun, the freedom. Usually when I see something, I know right away if I want to do it. Riding a motorcycle was like that for me, so was drag racing. 

You get this incredible feeling in your gut and it almost KILLS you until you can do it yourself. I am NOT a spectator of life – I am a doer. I want to live and live good and enjoy all life has to offer, and one of those things, very very important to me, is riding. 

I fell in love with motorcycles about 4 years ago and have now become all but obsessed with them, the same way I was with cars.

Tell us about your riding. I mostly use my bikes for transportation. My Vette gets about 13 mpg and my `78 Z gets around 8 mpg, so riding a bike with a backpack allows me to save more money. I obviously do a lot of pleasure riding too. 

My husband and I are both addicted to bikes and ride as much as we can. I like to go into town and go to thrift stores on my bike. The ladies there are QUITE impressed with how much I can stuff into my tiny leather backpack. When I bought a pair of 100% LONG cotton jeans there, it was all I could do to get them to fit into it, but I did!

What advice do you have for women who ride or want to ride a motorcycle? Learn to ride on something small. Do it because YOU want to, not because your husband, boyfriend or someone else is wanting you to. Too many women try to learn on a large Harley dresser because they are too “embarrassed” to learn on a 125 or smaller. I think to learn to ride on an Enduro or dirt bike is best because you get more comfortable with the terrain. Have a good teacher or take a reputable class. Everyone has to start somewhere. Also, pray each time before you ride.

What is the longest trip that you’ve taken on your motorcycle? When you ride a rigid Hardtail, with scissor springs that do NOT move at all, the rides are kind of limited! Also, my `81 Ironhead has Fatboy solid wheels and if you have never rode a bobber with Fatboy wheels in the wind, you are missing out! 

Mostly we ride 100 or 200 miles at a time if we go out on the weekend. I ride almost daily when the weather is nice. We are not long range riders, don’t claim to be. We ride old vintage bikes and like I say “Old Iron Never Dies”.

Do you belong to any motorcycle groups? No, we are not club oriented.

Do you have a favorite riding story? All riding is good when you come back in one piece…….

What do you do when you’re not riding? I have been an extreme couponer for the last 5 years (saving approximately $45,000 a year) and I raise hedgehogs. I am one of 35 breeders in the whole US and right now I have 25 of them. 

I like to drive my cars when I’m not riding and I am the Arkansas State Representative for the Worldwide Camaro Club, one of only 5 women. I like entering (and winning) all kinds of competitions from  bike shows, car shows, burnout contests, to Halloween costume contests, writing contests and tattoo contests. 

I have even entered my hedgehogs in a Hedgehog Show and won! I also like getting into magazines and on BLOGS!

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Chris - Best of Show
Chris winning another Best of Show trophy

I will be featured in the magazine Throttle Gals in February. I have been in The Horse, All You, Thunderroads, Barnett’s Harley Davidson and several well known blogs. I play the “credit card game”, making thousands of dollars a year just from sign-up bonuses (this is what buys my Harley parts). 

I am constantly reading self help books, am into natural and alternative therapies, I tye-dye and I am learning to weld. I like to hunt mushrooms in the Spring and deer in the Fall. I also like to shoot guns, help my husband build bikes and work on cars and I like to play with my Am Staff, Solomon.

I like to ride with my husband in his old vintage JEEP. I pick berries on the sides of the road and am always looking for ways to get things for free or super cheap. I even got my tubes tied for free (I am child-free by choice).

I LOVE being frugal so that I can spend my “real” money on my bikes and my cars and I love being able to share what I know with other people to inspire them. If you put your mind to it, with determination you can do ANYTHING.

Profile of a Female Motorcyclist Meet Chris - photo collage
Chris doing a burnout in her ’78 Z, shooting a Springfield Armory M-14, Chris and hubby Gabe

Thank you for stopping by Helmet or Heels female motorcycle community!

I am always looking for more stories like your adventure into riding. Your experience, knowledge, and insight will encourage women in their motorcycling journey! Fill out the contact form and let’s connect!

Catch us on Instagram @helmetorheels, Pinterest @helmetorheels or Twitter @helmetorheels – we are just getting started!

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7 Responses

  1. That was really interesting Chris. Thank you for sharing. It is empowering to live life on your own terms. Muscle cars & motorcycles, gotta love it!

  2. Awesome Chris! I am so proud for you. I enjoyed the story very much. You work hard on your bikes and it is so great to hear you share your passion.

  3. THANKS everyone for the comments! Tracy and Cris- you guys know how much I love my bikes and cars (so does State Farm, lol). I really love my life and enjoy all aspects of it. I hope to be an inspiration to others out there. I am glad I was able to take part in this series.

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