On March 24, 2010 my mom passed away. She was a remarkable woman! A fact I probably learned too late in life. The anniversary of her passing was painful. Mostly because I miss talking with her and sharing what is going on in life hoping she would give me her sage advice and encouragement.
Sunday nights were our night to have an extended conversation. Even now, Sunday night is hard for me. I still find myself rushing around trying to get things done so I can sit and talk with her. And then, I realize she’s no longer there to call.
Live a Legacy
For her memorial my niece put together Grandma Tully’s Ten Commandments. These commandments really sum up my mom in a beautiful way. Here they are:
- To always love fully
- To always open your heart and never judge
- To always share what you have
- To always help and volunteer
- To always give hugs and kisses
- To always laugh at yourself
- To always have family dinners
- To always have lipstick on
- To never wear cargo pants
- And don’t forget if you are going somewhere, call me first, I know how to get there
I know she would be so excited to hear I’m going to be a grandma! It would be her ninth great-grandchild. I find comfort in the fact my daughter’s due date is the day before my mom’s birthday. If she were here I’m positive she would have something funny to say about that!
Friends, my mom’s commandments are what made her life so special because she lived them not just talked about them. I share them with you in hopes that you too will begin to live a legacy that is worth following when you are gone.
Mom, I love you forever. xoxo
Addendum to post: A coworker had magnets created with Grandma Tully’s Ten Commandments on them for my family! How touching and thoughtful!
P.S. Tulips were one of her favorite flowers!
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13 Responses
What a wonderful blog post and I adore your mom’s words of wisdom. Bravo for a beautiful tribute and an awesome mother!!
Thank you for your kind words!
Thank you so much for sharing this, it gives me a lot to think about. I’m very sorry you lost your Mom, but I am happy you can share her legacy. It is my hope someone has something as good to say about me when I’m gone.
Allen – thank you for your kind words!
Thank you for this! I love these rules, and what a great legacy for your mom.
What an awesome legacy your mom has left for you to carry! What a blessing. Thank you for sharing and for inspiring us.
Rebekah & Heidi –
Thank you for your kind words!
I’ll have to post the magnet a coworker created with Grandma Tully’s Ten Commandments!
Your mom must’ve been a wonderful lady. I’m sorry to hear she is no longer with us.
Those commandments, while at times a few can be hard to follow i’m sure, are really something to aspire to.
Thanks for sharing a piece of her with us.
Fuzzygalore – Thank you! She was quite the woman that’s for sure.