Sunday I blogged about the first session that I attended at the Minnesota Blogger Conference. Today I’m going to share another session I attended, Content is a Banquet: Is Your Audience Being Served? presented by David Hedrick Skarjune.
Minnesota Blogger Conference, Part 2
The session started with the speaker pulling up a slide that read, “Content is _______.” Many spoke out answering, “King!” Skarjune respectfully disagreed. He believes content is the “coin of the realm.” Then went on to say content is an orgy. [Can’t wait to see the spam I get for having that word in a post.]
Why? Because of the multiplying channels, consumers are maturing, interactive and mobile platforms are experiencing explosive growth, and people’s expectations are rising. We have become “Content Consumers.” We push content to get attention.
Here’s his recipe ingredients for content: strategy, create great content, SEO, practice content marketing, use social media, engage community, and funnel-measure-repeat. He expounded a bit more and gave some statistics. This is where my note taking dropped off, as well as my attention.
Skarjune ended the session with another list. It was the Buddhist Metta Practice as a guide to who we blog for. The analogy he used wasn’t gelling for me. I didn’t really get the point.
The slides from his presentation and the other sessions can be found here.

Ladies, whether you are looking to start riding solo, a casual motorcyclist, a seasoned rider, or enjoying riding pillion you are all welcome to join in the Helmet or Heels community. I would love to share your story of motorcycling no matter where you are on the journey. It will inspire other women along the way.Catch us on Instagram @helmetorheels, Pinterest @helmetorheels or Twitter @helmetorheels – we are just getting started!
5 Responses
For some reason when I think of the Blogger Convention I think of it more as a meet and greet as opposed to the workshops.
Kudos to you for staying awake, lol
Trobairitz – thanks for the kudos >wink< Actually, it was very professional event. I too thought it would have been less formal and more casual networking. I'd like to attend next year, but do more research before attending a session. My bad that I didn't do that this time around.
Knowledge is power! I would LOVE to go to something like this. Sounds like a great time. Thanks for sharing with us.
It was pretty remarkable and it was free!