I want to share with you a few of my notes from Rick Kupchella the keynote speaker. This will be the last post on the conference. Minnesota Blogger Conference. The End.
Rick Kupchella is a former news anchor and journalist here in the Twin Cities. He left broadcasting to begin a few projects one of which is Bring Me the News.
Some of the primary goals of this site is to distribute news electronically, keep it local, no political leaning [I find that rather refreshing], and sourcing stories through traditional as well as nontraditional news outlets such as social media and blogs. Then distributed through email, Facebook, digital, and mobile to name a few.
When asked what are we solving for? Bring Me the News wants to provide consumers with a clean digital landscape and to help the public find new and credible news. Kupchella shared that the world is creating five billion gigabytes of data every two days. That equals all the information created from the beginning of time through 2003 [Eric Schmidt was sited as the source.] That is a lot of information to wade through and they want to provide a clean source for consumers.
Kupchella also spoke about the benefit for their sponsors as being relevancy engagement and an influential audience. He mentioned, what I heard as a recurring theme at the conference, driving content is the new bar for online marketing. Consumers no longer want a banner they are looking for thought leadership. He sees media partners finding an economical way of obtaining high quality news curation.
Minnesota Blogger Conference. The End.
I’ve added Bring Me the News to my Google Reader. I’ve found that it is straight forward and credibly sourced news. The sponsored posts are well done too. I look forward to seeing the refreshed and retooled site that is coming in the next month or so.

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