Motorcycle Ride to Taylor Falls, Minnesota

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

What a beautiful day to take a motorcycle ride to Taylor Falls, Minnesota with hubby! We decided to head out to Taylor Falls, Minnesota.

motorcycle ride to Taylor Falls, Minnesota
Our route to Taylor Falls, MN – 100 miles round trip

Motorcycle Ride to Taylor Falls, Minnesota

The rid  there and back was wonderful. Slightly windy, but nothing like the wind gust I experienced a couple a weeks ago. You know the kind that throw your head back if you’re not paying attention! We saw lots of other riders. Love getting the head nod or the hand signal as you pass.

When we pulled into town there were motorcycles all over the place! I snapped a few pictures of some of them. Take a look!

motorcycle ride to Taylor Falls, Minnesota - motorbikes all over
Captured some of the motorcycles we saw today!

We parked the bikes and scoped out a place to eat! We chose Romayne’s because they serve charbroiled burgers.

motorcycle ride to Taylor Falls, Minnesota - Romayne's
We dined at Romayne’s in the outdoor garden.

While we ate some very yummy burgers we watched the all the bikers riding up and down the street. I did see a lot of women riding solo today. Unfortunately, most of them were not ATGATT.

motorcycle ride to Taylor Falls, Minnesota - female motorcyclist
Typical of the riders I saw today – partial gear!

Of course you can’t leave town without having some ice cream! And there just happened to be Schoony’s Old Fashion Ice Cream across the street – dessert is in my future!

motorcycle ride to Taylor Falls, Minnesota - Schoony's
Yay! An ice cream place right across the street!!

Not only did I get dessert, but hubby bought me a pretty necklace to commemorate the trip!

motorcycle ride to Taylor Falls, Minnesota - Twining VStroms
Here’s our VStroms, us, and the necklace I got today!

Then it was time to head home, but first a stop at Franconia Sculpture Park. What an amazing park! An eclectic collection of art, a huge play area for kids, an amphitheater, and clean bathrooms!

motorcycle ride to Taylor Falls, Minnesota - Franconia Sculpture Park
Franconia Sculpture Park

In the middle of one section of the park, there was preparation for a wedding. What an unusual, but awesome setting!

motorcycle ride to Taylor Falls, Minnesota - Franconia Sculpture Park pt 2
A group was setting up for a wedding ceremony in the park too!

What an enjoyable day! I hope your Saturday was awesome too!!

Ladies, whether you are looking to start riding solo, a casual motorcyclist, a seasoned rider, or enjoying riding pillion you are all welcome to join in the Helmet or Heels community. I would love to share your story of motorcycling no matter where you are on the journey. It will inspire other women along the way.

Catch us on Instagram @helmetorheels, Pinterest @helmetorheels or Twitter @helmetorheels – we are just getting started!

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7 Responses

  1. What a fun time to ride in the sunshine, have a great lunch (and dessert) and then have cool things to wander around and see. That sculpture park looks like lots of fun.

    I love the pic of you and hubby. It shows how happy you are to be riding together. It makes me smile.

  2. Whenever we ride thru Taylors Falls we stop for Ice cream! That is our perfect Biker day. Big breakfast at some local cafe, ice cream in the afternoon and a nice dinner wherever we are when it is getting dark:)

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