Oh for the Love of Pinterest!

Wife, mom, grandmother, motorcyclist, and blogger.

I’ll admit to having a slight addiction to Pinterest [that may be true if we took the word “slight” out]. Oh for the love of Pinterest and all the fashion, food, crafts, and ideas are at times irresistible and at other times make me wish I was more of a Martha Stewart. Do you pin?

I recently came across a couple of blogs that are dedicated to Pinterest fails! Yes. You read that right, they center around trying what they’ve found on Pinterest and posting the results. Here are a couple of my faves!

Oh for the Love of Pinterest

Water Marble Nail Tutorial (here’s a link to many how-to marble nail pins on Pinterest.) Check out the how-to pin verses I really tried it pin!

Oh for the Love of Pinterest -Image from HeyNiceNails.com
Image from HeyNiceNails.com
Oh for the Love of Pinterest - Image from EpicPinterestFail.com
Image from EpicPinterestFail.com

Anyone try the “Water Marble Nail” tutorial? Did it work? Love to know. Pictures would be even better!

This next one had me laughing because I’m pretty sure I would have the same results!

Chocolate Covered Pretzels – Pin verses Experience 

Oh for the Love of Pinterest -PinterestFail.com
Image from PinterestFail.com

Follow the link to the blog to read how the author created her reproduction and what she is going to do next time! Okay, you get the drift that there are many ideas that fail miserably, but I’m here to tell about a few successes I’ve had with Pinterest.

I need to preface it with I didn’t document these with photos. My bad – I need to remember to pick-up [and learn how to use] the camera before embarking on these discoveries! So here goes sans any personal photos.

I have a favorite blush brush that I’ve had for several years [the ends had chunks of yuck] and I was getting ready to throw it out the second I found a suitable replacement … until PINTEREST!!  Out of all the tutorials on how to clean make-up brushes I chose this one on Mixed Method. I followed Kimberly’s directions and it worked beautifully! I now have a clean blush brush. Success!

My second success I want to share is from a pin that led me to the blog Tales + Tips > a real-life housewife post that explained how to clean small stainless steel appliances. Check out Kim’s before and after pictures of her stainless steel toaster. 

In my case it was a toaster oven that hubby and I have had for a few years. It was covered with brownish spots on the stainless steel as well as on the glass door. I followed her directions, used a bit of elbow grease, and the results are amazing. Success #2!

How about you? Do you pin? Have you tried anything you’ve found? Success or failure? Do share!

Oh for the Love of Pinterest -Anyone know of a Pinterest support group?
Anyone know of a Pinterest support group?

Thank you for stopping by Helmet or Heels female motorcycle community! I am always looking for more stories like your adventure into riding. Your experience, knowledge, and insight will encourage women in their motorcycling journey! Fill out the contact form and let’s connect!

Catch us on Instagram @helmetorheels, Pinterest @helmetorheels or Twitter @helmetorheels – we are just getting started! 

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4 Responses

  1. I love seeing the pics of someone trying something from a picture and posting it. They usually have the words “nailed it” beside it so we can truly chuckle.

    I don’t do pinterest but I know people who do. I have enough trouble working full time and trying to keep up with both blogs, reading everyone else’s blogs and perusing my facebook news feed. Whew.

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