No Motorcycle Riding, but a Tasty Potato Recipe

Before I get to my potato recipe I thought I would share what has been happening. I haven’t posted in a while mostly because I’m not riding my motorcycle. I’m counting down the days till my next appointment with the neurologist – 27 days in case you were wondering. My motorcycle isn’t sitting still because […]

Oh for the Love of Pinterest!

I’ll admit to having a slight addiction to Pinterest [that may be true if we took the word “slight” out]. Oh for the love of Pinterest and all the fashion, food, crafts, and ideas are at times irresistible and at other times make me wish I was more of a Martha Stewart. Do you pin? I recently […]

From my home to yours Merry Christmas!

From my home to yours Merry Christmas! I hope you are enjoying the Christmas season with family and friends! In the words of Timothy Cratchit, “God bless us, every one!”

Landfill Harmonic

[vimeo w=500&h=281] “Landfill Harmonic is an upcoming feature-length documentary about a remarkable musical orchestra in Paraguay, where young musicians play instruments made from trash. For more information about the film, please visit”

Fall Food Challenge!

A recent tweet from @JuJu21 (meet her here)  got me thinking about cool weather food! She had declared oatmeal season officially open and I chimed in with chili, and her response was soup too! And then I thought I’d throw out a fall food challenge to see what you like too. If you blog, blog about […]

Switching Motorcycles

This past weekend was filled with lots of activity. I made this little guy. He has quite the personality for a crocheted frog! Switching Motorcycles The best part of the weekend is when hubby pulled the bikes out of the garage on Sunday for what maybe the last ride of the season! We headed out […]

Planning for my Winter Projects

The weather these last few days has been chilly and windy. No denying that winter is on its way to Minnesota. And it has me planning for my winter projects. Ours days are getting shorter with the sun setting just a little past 6:30 p.m. And my motorcycle is beginning to collect dust sitting in […]

When I’m not riding I make things!

Thought I’d share a collage of some things that I’ve made. Last year the combination of not riding and expecting a grandson inspired me to create a few things! When I’m not riding, I make things! I’ve made a hat for my grandson, crocheted a pair of Chucks for him too, several t-shirt infinity scarves […]